Necromancy Packet May 2006

Status message

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Genre Packet
Opened: 25-May-2006 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 25-May-2006 1:00AM EDT

[Proposal] This packet is to replace Section 7 of the OWbN Blood Magic Packet. Paths will not be grandfathered in. Any paths that are Coordinator approval will be approved by the Coordinator's office or removed from the sheet and points refunded at ST disgression. Any rituals that are not found here are not approved by the Giovanni Coordinator's office for play. Converted Thaumaturgy rituals have been removed and this office requests that these rituals be removed from the sheets of Giovanni players and their points refunded. This packet is to be for Giovanni players only. A Voudoun Necromancy packet is forthcoming as it is another paradigm entirely.
Proposed by: Joshua Manning, OWbN Giovanni Coordinator

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