Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Fortaleza, CE - Brazil, Land of The Sun

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort descending
Genre Proposal: The powers of the Sheriff as related to the Keeper of Elysia 13-Nov-2006 13-Nov-2006 No vote submitted
Shadow Lord Tribal Genre Packet Take 2 04-Oct-2004 04-Oct-2004 No vote submitted
Genre Proposal: Revised Shadow Lord Tribal Genre Packet 14-May-2008 21-May-2008 No vote submitted
Setite Sorcery Packet 4.0 28-May-2008 04-Jun-2008 No vote submitted
Bylaw Revision: Modification of Rogue Thaumaturgy Rules for Setite & Ravnos Thaumaturgy 22-Feb-2007 22-Feb-2007 No vote submitted
Revision of Coordinator Bylaws Section 3: Financial Coordinator 31-Dec-2002 17-Dec-2002 No vote submitted
Election for Sabbat Coordinator 03-Dec-2001 26-Nov-2001 No vote submitted
[TERRITORY] [AUTOPASS] Gangrel Coord territory request - Norse Gangrel Headquarters 30-May-2024 30-May-2024 No vote submitted
Revision of Bylaws, Section B: Reporting Requirements 20-Oct-2002 12-Oct-2002 No vote submitted
[Administrative Proposal] Removal of "Rogue Thaumaturgists" from the R&U Bylaws 02-Feb-2009 09-Feb-2009 No vote submitted
