[Administrative Proposal] Creation of R&U Bylaw Document

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 25-Dec-2008 1:00AM EST
Closing: 18-Dec-2008 1:00AM EST

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I hereby propose that Section 9 of the Character Regulation Bylaws, Rare & Unusual, become its own separate Bylaw Document.

In the Character Regulation Bylaws, it is proposed that Section 9 will now say simply the following to re-direct players to the new proposed R&U Bylaws:

"9. Rare and Unusual
A. All characters, PC or NPC, be they played or portrayed by player, chronicle or Coordinator, must comply with the Rare and Unusual Bylaw Document."


The Rare and Unusual Bylaws are currently unecessarily complicated, and affect very few players directly that are looking for non-R&U regulations about their PC. Often people are looking specifically for something R&U are only in the Character Regulation Bylaw looking for R&U.

These Bylaws have become a bit of a mess over the years, and with the changes to Coordinator Approval as a new classification, and all of the changes that have been proposed, they are in a desperate state of disrepair right now.

I would like to pull them out of the regular Bylaws, which are made in Microsoft Word and exported into a PDF, because that could give us better flexibility to explore options of using Excel to better organize the R&U classifications and then export that as a different PDF file.

Thank you.

Jenn Louise
OWbN Head Coordinator

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