[Proposal] [Amendment] Change to Bylaw 6.a.i - Disallowing 7th Generation Player Characters Entrada x OWbN/OWBN-Council x
Open Votes
Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 02-Aug-2018 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 09-Aug-2018 12:00AM EDT
Pursuant to Administrative bylaw 3.A.i, as the CM of Pander's Playground, I, Chase Jelliffe, propose the following change to Character bylaw 6.a.i:
Current Bylaw
i. Any PC who drops below 8th generation must be retired to NPC.
Proposed Change
i. PCs may never permanently be lower than 8th generation. Any PC that permanently lowers their generation below 8th generation will retire to NPC.
Reasoning - The bylaws do not clearly restrict a PC from entering play at 7th generation. This proposal will fix that issue.
This proposal will not have grandfathering.
Chase Jelliffe
Pander's Playground CM
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