[Proposal] Merging the Character Regulation and Rare & Unusual (R&U) Bylaws
Open Votes
Hi Council,
I bring forth a proposal that has been authored by, Willieam, E. Genich, our Membership Coordinator and CM for Kenosha: Memento Mori and proposed here, by me, Nicholas Lambaunas, Assistant Head Coordinator.
Removed Character Regulation Bylaw Section 9: Rare and Unusual as superfluous
9. Rare and Unusual - (The R&U Bylaws, Section 9, has been made into its own Bylaw document, per the 12/18/08 vote.)
A. All characters, PC or NPC, be they played or portrayed by player, chronicle or Coordinator, must comply with the Rare and Unusual Bylaw Document.
B. All characters of R&U classification, PC or NPC, following approval, must be logged with the Archivist.
Renumbered Sections 10-15 to 9-14
Added Section 15: Rare and Unusual Restrictions (this replaces the Rare & Unusual Bylaws)
Alphabetized the “Appropriate Coordinators for R&U” Section
Alphabetized many of the subsections within the R&U Rarity Listings by Category
Removed R&U Bylaw 1.E.i.2.a.1, as the bylaw it refers to does not exist
1. In the event that the submission is handled through the process outlined in R&U Bylaw 7.A.1.b., the registration requirement is fulfilled when the chronicle staff submits the required information to the Archivist by email.
- Corrected references to moved/renumbered bylaws.
- Monitoring Custom content in One World by Night, in accordance with the R&U Bylaws, Section 3.H.ii.8.
- Monitoring Custom content in One World by Night, in accordance with the Character Regulation Bylaws, Section 15.C.viii.2.i.
- If a proposal to add or change R&U, Administrative, Coordinator, or Character Bylaws are made, nothing which would fall under such an addition or change may be created or approved until after such a proposal's closure or withdrawal.
- If a proposal to add or change Administrative, Coordinator, or Character Bylaws are made, nothing which would fall under such an addition or change may be created or approved until after such a proposal's closure or withdrawal.
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