[Proposal] Bylaw Updates (Glass Ceiling and R&U)
Open Votes
Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 20-Oct-2015 11:55PM EDT
Closing: 27-Oct-2015 11:55PM EDT
Good Afternoon!
Today you'll find Heartland Alliance's approval in regards to the Glass Ceiling (Character Bylaw 4.B.) and R&U Bylaw Unusual (3.G.iv).
Glass Ceiling Verbiage:
Changing Breed PCs are restricted by the following:
Any PC who reaches the 6th rank (the Legend equivalent) must be retired to NPC.
This proposal strikes the Glass Ceiling verbiage completely for 4.B. and instead adds the verbiage to R&U Bylaw Unusual (3.G.iv) as follows:
8. The Rank of Legend
Prior to this PCs could not exist with Legend and NPCs had no regulation around them. This creates a compromise where the CBC may begin to evaluate the total amount of Legends that exist in the Organization as a whole. As such, with this proposal, there will be no grandfathering. Which means any pre-existing Legend (PC or NPC) must seek approval from the CBC to continue to exist.
Thank You,
Jonah Pasternak
CM Heartland Alliance
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