Overhaul of R&U Bylaws

Status message

Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 22-Sep-2015 12:55AM EDT
Closing: 29-Sep-2015 12:55AM EDT

Good Morning,
In an effort to streamline character play I hereby propose the following changes to the R&U Bylaws. 
Latest Revision:  https://goo.gl/oHb2kc
The revision is as follows:
1.  Items outside of the Disallowed category have moved to Coordinator Approval instead of 2/3 Vote or Majority Vote.
2.  If a Coordinator doesn't respond with an approval or denial within a certain time frame it will move to an AutoPass vote for Council to review.
3.  If a Coordinator requires more information from a Staff, it stays open.  However that time frame keeps coming back when the answers are in their hands.  
4.  There's no change to the Disciplinary Action procedures.
5.  A CM may still propose an exception to a Coordinator's Answer.  Note - This is something CMs can do today, it's just now outlined in the proposal.
6.  The words 'blood magic' have not been touched or referenced.


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