Change in Paradox Rarities

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 12-Aug-2015 12:55AM EDT
Closing: 19-Aug-2015 12:55AM EDT

I, Ravnos Coordinator of ultimate destiny, herby propose the following bylaw changes. These changes, if passed, will be passed with no grandfathering.
-Remove  G.ii.10.e Followers of Eastern Paradox
-Remove G.ii.12 Ravnos changing joining a sect from Independent to Sabbat/Anarch/Camarilla
-Add G.ii.10.e Camarilla members on, or any variation, of the Path of Paradox. This applies to both Eastern and Western, and any variations of such.
Item 1: For the removal of Eastern paradox I am removing it because I rarely say no to PCs teaching other PCs, except when it comes to the Camarilla.
Item 2: It was put into place to stop Independent Ravnos who were approved on paths from jumping to Camarilla without some oversight, with the rarity change is it no longer needed. Also, assuming the current sect defector prop passes this bylaw would just be added confusion to the bylaws.
Item 3: I am very anti path of paradox in the Camarilla. It just doesn't work. The paths themselves counter the way the Camarilla operates, and it should be a constant battle to not wassail. With this in mind, I want to leave post Week of Nightmares American Ravnos at notify to give STs more approval power (along with the reduced path rarity for Non Cam Ravnos) but fix this oversight.
Final thoughts: I am removing 2 bylaws for one, in an attempt to reduce some rarities and have less clunky bylaws. The final effect should be the same, and it allows STs to gain more approval power within their authority.
This proposal has the support of the Camarilla Coordinator.

latest jordansJordan Ανδρικά • Summer SALE έως -50%

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