[Proposal] Archivist Bylaw Update
Open Votes
Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 21-Jul-2015 11:55PM EDT
Closing: 28-Jul-2015 11:55PM EDT
I, Jeff Cauley, CM of Baltimore by Night, propose that Coordinator Bylaw 3.A.v.2.b:
Report to the ST list/Council an overview of existing R&U characters within OWBN and offer the a global picture of the R&Us in the organization as well as an outline on how this does or does not mesh with existing White-Wolf published materials.
Report to the ST list/Council an overview of existing R&U characters within OWBN and offer the a global picture of the R&Us in the organization as well as an outline on how this does or does not mesh with existing White-Wolf published materials.
Be modified to:
Report to the ST list/Council an overview of existing R&U characters within OWBN and offer the a global picture of the R&Us in the organization.
Archivists should not be expected to be knowledgeable in every aspect of every genre. If people wish to know how the numbers stack up against the printed canon, they can always broach the subject to the appropriate genre coordinator.
-- Jeff
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