[Administrative Bylaws] Allowance for Ranked Voting
Open Votes
I, Jessica Karels, as Head Coordinator, propose the following amendments to the Administrative Bylaws
Administrative Bylaw 3.C.
Quorum Definition for Council
Resolutions before the Council pass if they receive a majority of votes cast, unless otherwise noted in the bylaws.
The Head Coordinator can change the Quorum definition for any vote on a case-by-case basis.
Quorum Definition for Council
Resolutions before the Council pass if they receive a majority of votes cast, unless otherwise noted in the bylaws.
For proposals with more than two options (including Abstain), the outcome may be determined using one or more of the following ranked voting methods:
The Head Coordinator can change the Quorum definition for any vote on a case-by-case basis.
Coordinator Elections
Head Coordinator Elections
The Head Coordinator shall be elected every February and shall serve until the end of elections the following year.
Nominations for the position shall open on January 25th and close at the same time on February 1th.
Voting will last until February 14th. In the case of a tie, voting will be held February 15th through 22nd with the former Head Coordinator serving during the interim. No other proposals may be passed or introduced during this runoff.
No proposals relating to this election, election process, or the voting procedure may be proposed nor ratified within seven (7) days of the beginning of the voting period until the end of the election(s).
Other Coordinator Elections
The Head Coordinator will nominate all other Coordinators.
The Head Coordinator will accept applications for nominations for a minimum of one (1) week from the time the application procedure opens, which must be posted to the Council, ST, OWBN-OOC, and mailing lists in addition to the OWbN website.
The Head Coordinator is required to nominate any applicant who has the support of five (5) or more member chronicles of OWBN. They may decline candidates with less support at their discretion.
Each candidate must list prominently on their application from where their support is coming.
Chronicles may support more than one candidate in this manner and they do not have to vote for the candidate(s) they supported.
Should only one person submit an application for a given position, then the Head Coordinator may nominate that one applicant without a second applicant on the same ballot or extend the time for collecting applications as the Head Coordinator sees fit.
The Ballot will be presented to Council three (3) days before the voting period begins for discussion, but no later than February 25th without a ratified proposal granting the Head Coordinator an extension.
The Ballot will be posted on the Council, ST, and OWBN-OOC mailing lists at the beginning of the vote discussion period.
The vote will open on the day after the seven (7) day council discussion period, and close no earlier than the same time seven (7) days later.
All candidates for Coordinator positions will be put on Council during the fourteen day discussion period, and election week, to defend and explain their platforms. Those not elected shall be removed once the voting period is done.
The nominee carrying the most votes on Council shall become Coordinator.
In case of a tie, the Head Coordinator may either break the tie or hold a run-off election between all tied parties.
The Executive Team - to include the HC and the AHCs - may not cast their votes for any candidates during this election process. The only exception to this shall be that the HC will retain their vote if they need to break a tie once the vote has concluded, as per the above Bylaw.
For a run-off election, only the candidates who were tied will be on the ballot. The option to reject all candidates will be removed. The option to abstain will remain.
If the election is still tied after the run-off vote, the HC will break the tie.
Administrative Bylaw 4.
Coordinator Elections
Head Coordinator Elections
The Head Coordinator shall be elected every February and shall serve until the end of elections the following year.
Nominations for the position shall open on January 25th and close at the same time on February 1th.
Voting will last until February 14th. In the case of a tie, voting will be held February 15th through 22nd with the former Head Coordinator serving during the interim. No other proposals may be passed or introduced during this runoff.
No proposals relating to this election, election process, or the voting procedure may be proposed nor ratified within seven (7) days of the beginning of the voting period until the end of the election(s).
Other Coordinator Elections
The Head Coordinator will nominate all other Coordinators.
The Head Coordinator will accept applications for nominations for a minimum of one (1) week from the time the application procedure opens, which must be posted to the Council, ST, OWBN-OOC, and mailing lists in addition to the OWbN website.
The Head Coordinator is required to nominate any applicant who has the support of five (5) or more member chronicles of OWBN. They may decline candidates with less support at their discretion.
Each candidate must list prominently on their application from where their support is coming.
Chronicles may support more than one candidate in this manner and they do not have to vote for the candidate(s) they supported.
Should only one person submit an application for a given position, then the Head Coordinator may nominate that one applicant without a second applicant on the same ballot or extend the time for collecting applications as the Head Coordinator sees fit.
The Ballot will be presented to Council three (3) days before the voting period begins for discussion, but no later than February 25th without a ratified proposal granting the Head Coordinator an extension.
The Ballot will be posted on the Council, ST, and OWBN-OOC mailing lists at the beginning of the vote discussion period.
The vote will open on the day after the seven (7) day council discussion period, and close no earlier than the same time seven (7) days later.
All candidates for Coordinator positions will be put on Council during the fourteen day discussion period, and election week, to defend and explain their platforms. Those not elected shall be removed once the voting period is done.
The nominee carrying the most votes on Council shall become Coordinator.
For elections with two or more candidates, the majority vote may be calculated using one or more of the ranked voting methods outlined in Administrative Bylaw 3.C.ii.
In case of a tie, the Head Coordinator may either break the tie or hold a run-off election between all tied parties.
The Executive Team - to include the HC and the AHCs - may not cast their votes for any candidates during this election process. The only exception to this shall be that the HC will retain their vote if they need to break a tie once the vote has concluded, as per the above Bylaw.
For a run-off election, only the candidates who were tied will be on the ballot. The option to reject all candidates will be removed. The option to abstain will remain.
If the election is still tied after the run-off vote, the HC will break the tie.
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