Officially transition disciplinary reporting from Archivist Report to OWBN website

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 08-Jan-2015 12:00AM EST
Closing: 15-Jan-2015 12:00AM EST

I, Jessica Karels, as Head Coordinator, propose the following amendments to the Administrative Bylaws

8. Administrative Responsibilities
D. Reporting
5. Disciplinary Report
a.  The chronicle will submit any chronicle disciplinary actions to the elected Archivist via their regularly scheduled chronicle report, which then will compile and maintain a record of all members given chronicle disciplinary actions. This list will be available to any ST, Council Member, or Coordinator within OWBN. They may ask the Historian/Archivist for the list of players, or may inquire after a particular member in that regard.
a.  The chronicle will submit any chronicle disciplinary actions to the disciplinary action database on the One World by Night website within thirty (30) days of the disciplinary action occurring. This database will be available to any ST, Council Member, or Coordinator within OWBN. They may review a list of players with disciplinary actions, or may inquire after a particular member in that regard.
OWBN has had a disciplinary action database for several months, and chronicles have started to actively use the database. It is time for the transition to be official.

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