[Bylaw amendment] Rarity of Wrath Lore 4 and 5
Open Votes
This proposal was originally set to auto-pass. It was objected to by the CM for Pander's Playground. Unless the objection is withdrawn, this will go to a Council Vote
OWBN's Coordinator Bylaws, 3.C.iii. state: "Genre Coordinators must pass before Council any plot, enforced policy, R&U named characters, or binding edict they wish to use which they can reasonably expect to affect multiple chronicles and these proposals need not be seconded, but go immediately into discussion."
I Christian Debats, in my duties as Wraith Coordinator do hereby propose the following be added to the Rare and Unusual bylaws, with grandfathering up to level 4.
Add the following to R&U bylaws 3.E.1 (Coordinator Approval and logged with the archivist.)
non Wraith PC with Wraith Lore 4+
Wraith PC with Wraith Lore 5+
Reason: With the recent change in the landscape of the OWBN Shadowlands (political and otherwise), and the increase in PC wraiths within our org. it makes since to have the high level knowledge be more difficult to come by. Level 4 is described in the books as knowing the Death Lords names. With the change in Hierarchy structure those no longer apply as a number of other things. Level 5 is knowing the hidden meaning behind the inner workings of the Hierarchy.
I just think that this is something that is just as rare (if not more) as the other Lores currently needing approval.
This would not include Ghost or Spirit Lores as they pertain to the Hunter and Werewolf Genres
not privy on the subject