[PROPOSAL][R&U BYLAW AMENDMENT] Consistent Compliance Timeframe for unregistered R&U's, Take II
Open Votes
I, the Head Coordinator of One World By Night, hereby propose the following changes to R&U Bylaws 7.A, 8.A. and 8.A.i. (changes italicized and bolded):
7. Process for Registration
A. Rare and Unusual Characters may be submitted for registration or vote on the OWBN web site.
7. Process for Registration
A. Rare and Unusual Characters may be submitted for registration or vote on the OWBN web site.
i. Responsibility for registration
1. It is the responsibility of the Storytellers to submit an R&U registration for characters and items based in their chronicle. The Head Storyteller may delegate this duty to their Council Member.
2. It is the responsibility of the Coordinator to submit an R&U registration for characters and items that are owned by their office.
3. The Archivist may allow for chronicle staff or coordinators to submit R&U registrations to them by email. It then becomes the responsibility of the Archivist to submit the registrations to the R&U database on the OWBN website.
ii. Registration timeframe
1. For Rare & Unusual categories that require Council or Coordinator Notification, the registration requirements are fulfilled when the R&U submission is logged in the R&U database through the OWBN website.
a. In the event that the submission is handled through the process outlined in R&U Bylaw 7.A.1.b., the registration requirement is fulfilled when the chronicle staff submits the required information to the Archivist by email.
b. The Archivist is expected to fulfill notifications to Council and/or the Coordinators no later than fourteen (14) days after the R&U is registered
2. For Rare & Unusual categories that require Coordinator Approval
a. Coordinators are expected to make a decision (Approve / Deny) or request additional information no later than fourteen(14) days after the R&U is registered
1. If the Coordinator office has made no attempt to follow up, either in making a decision or requesting additional information, within twenty-eight (28) days of the R&U being registered, the Coordinator may be subject to Disciplinary Action
2. In the event that the Coordinator requests additional information, once that information is received the Coordinator is then expected to make a decision or request additional information no later than fourteen (14) days after the response is received.
i. If the Coordinator office has made no attempt to follow up, either in making a decision or requesting additional information, within twenty-eight (28) days of receiving the information they requested, the Coordinator may be subject to Disciplinary Action
b. The Coordinator Approval must be logged into the R&U database on the OWBN website.
1. It is the responsibility of the Coordinator to log the Coordinator Approval of a character.
2. The Archivist may allow for a Coordinator to submit their approval of a character by email. It then becomes the responsibility of the Archivist to log the Coordinator Approval to the R&U database on the OWBN website.
3. For Rare and Unusual categories that require a Council vote
a. The Archivist is expected to submit the character for Council vote no later than fourteen (14) days after the R&U is registered
1. If the Archivist has made no attempt to follow up, either in proposing the R&U for Council vote or requesting additional information, within twenty-eight (28) days of the R&U being registered, the Archivist may be subject to Disciplinary Action
2. In the event that the Archivist requests additional information, once that information is received the Archivist is then expected to either propose the R&U for Council vote or request additional information no later than fourteen (14) days after the response is received.
i. If the Archivist has made no attempt to follow up, either in either in proposing the R&U for Council vote or requesting additional information, within twenty-eight (28) days of receiving the information they requested, the Archivist may be subject to Disciplinary Action
Rationale: With the October 2013 upgrade, the R&U database is centralized and accessible (for submission and review) by chronicle staff, coordinators, and the Archivist team. The only way for the R&U registration to be entered into the R&U database is through the submission form interface. This means that if a chronicle sends an R&U submission to the Archivist team by email, one of the Archivists has to then manually enter that submission into the database.Β This change clears up ambiguity on how to send in R&U submissions and prevents the possibility of an R&U submission from being lost in email-land.
7.A.i.1. closes the loophole that causes non-storyteller CM's to be liable for non-registered R&U's that they would have had no way of knowing about
7.A.i.3. Allows for the Archivist team to become involved in the registration process as needed - for instance, with batch importing grandfathered R&U's
8. Unregistered Rare and Unusual Characters
A. Chronicles that are found to be in violation of the Rare and Unusual bylaws must bring themselves in compliance within three game sessions.
i. Should the chosen method of compliance be to remove the R & U violation from play within three game sessions instead of properly registering it, any and all long-term gains and benefits to player characters (PCs) and non-player characters (NPCs) shall be immediately removed as well. This is up to and including disciplines, gifts, skills, lores, items, or other similar benefits.
ii. Any character which qualifies for Rare and Unusual that is brought into play (either through background or at-game roleplay) to specifically benefit a player character (PC), be it as a Mentor or Elder Boon Merit or other mechanics for giving benefits or other items of experience expenditure to player characters (PCs), must be properly registered through the Rare and Unusual Registration. If it has not been properly registered, the benefiting player character (PC) immediately loses anything gained from the character in Rare and Unusual violation.
8. Unregistered Rare and Unusual Characters and Items
A. Chronicles who have player characters (PCs), non-player characters (NPCs), or items that are found to be in violation of the Rare and Unusual bylaws must bring themselves in compliance within sixty (60) days.
i. Should the chosen method of compliance be to remove the R & U violation from play within sixty (60) days instead of properly registering it, any and all long-term gains and benefits to player characters (PCs) and non-player characters (NPCs) shall be immediately removed as well. This is up to and including disciplines, gifts, skills, lores, items, or other similar benefits.
ii. Any character which qualifies for Rare and Unusual that is brought into play (either through background or at-game roleplay) to specifically benefit a player character (PC), be it as a Mentor or Elder Boon Merit or other mechanics for giving benefits or other items of experience expenditure to player characters (PCs), must be properly registered through the Rare and Unusual Registration. If it has not been properly registered, the benefiting player character (PC) immediately loses anything gained from the character in Rare and Unusual violation.
iii. Should the chosen method of compliance be to register the R&U:
1. For Rare & Unusual categories that require Council Notification, see R&U Bylaw 7.A.ii.1. for registration time frame
2. For Rare & Unusual categories that require Coordinator Approval
a. The Coordinator (as designated in Section 5 of the R&U Bylaws) is subject to the response timeframe outlined in R&U Bylaw 7.A.ii.2.
b. The time that it takes for the Coordinator to respond to the approval request or to request additional information shall not be included in the sixty (60) day time limit
c. If a Coordinator requests additional information, the time that it takes for the chronicle staff to respond will be included in the sixty (60) day time limit
d. The Archivist or Head Coordinator may extend the time limit, for any reason, up to an additional sixty (60) days, for a total of one hundred twenty (120) days. Any further extension requires a Council vote.
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