[Proposal][Autopass][Amended] Changes to Administrative Bylaw 7.C and 7.E
Open Votes
Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 18-Jul-2013 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 18-Jul-2013 11:58PM EDT
Lets go with the following amendment then.
As Admissions Coordinator, I would like to propose the following amendment to my modifications to Administrative Bylaws 7.C and 7.E
These changes require no second, and will Auto pass if not objected to per
Administrative 3.A.v
- Administrative Bylaw Changes
- Administrative Coordinators may pass before Council any changes to the administrative bylaws, as long as said changes directly affect their position. These proposals need not be seconded, but go immediately into discussion.
- If no opposition is voiced during the week of discussion, the bylaw is considered passed and enforceable. Once passed these bylaws are considered binding to all chronicles (as with any other bylaw) and a chronicles refusal to adhere to said bylaw is grounds for OWBN disciplinary measures. Opposition must be in regards to the content of the proposal and must give those reasons why the objection is voiced. This is to allow Coordinator's the opportunity to respond and/or make changes/remove the proposal and its contents.
7.C. Added Voting Member of Council also is better clarified for games.
ii: Clarification of how it reads. Modifying to better fit the process that is in place with my team.
3: Clarifies the Extended probationary period. Having a rigid six months is a hard goal to hit with so much going on in OWBN.
4: Clarifies the reapplication process for probationary games that are denied.
The detailed changes are in red, followed by the original.
- Probationary Vote
- The Admissions Coordinator, a Sub-Coordinator, or a duly appointed representative will then submit the Application for a "Probationary Admission" vote to the OWBN Council for the discussion period and Admission Vote. If there are no objections during the discussion period, the game Auto-Passes into its Probationary Period.
- Possible results for the initial Admissions Vote are:
- Admission to OWBN for a 6-12 Month probation
- Denial of admission
- Any Full Membership Chronicle or Exec Team Member may object to a chronicles Probationary Admission, causing it to go to a vote.
- Admissions Votes require no Second.
- If during this time there are concerns raised by Council about the application, the Admissions Staff will work with the prospective chronicle to work out any questions or concerns from Council as well.
- Once this has been completed, the Admissions Coordinator will inform the applying chronicle of the results of their vote.
- Full Membership
- A chronicle's admission as a Full Membership Chronicle of OWBN must be presented to Council.
- The Application must be updated with the chronicle's current information as necessary
Voting options shall be as follows:
- Full Membership
- Extended Probation.
- Denial of Admission.
- Chronicles who are placed on an Extended Probation will be given no less than 6 months and no longer than an additional year in order to better allign with what OWBN wishes it's Full Membership Chronciles should be. After this period, the Probationary Chronicle will be resubmitted to council to be either admitted as a Full Member Chronicle or be denied membership.
- Chronicles denied Full Membership Status will be allowed to reapply to be a probationary chronicle no less than 12 months from their final Full Membership vote.
Admissions Guy
Now in RED
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