[Proposal] [General Consensus Vote] Change to Administrative Bylaw 4.III.2 [Autopass]
Open Votes
Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 09-May-2013 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 09-May-2013 11:58PM EDT
On behalf of Jeff Cauley, CM of Baltimore by Night: Dark Harbor, the Executive Team proposes the following as a General Consensus Vote:
Due to the Coordinator Elections being moved to February, it is proposed that Administrative Bylaw 4.III.2 be changed as follows:
Current Version:
The report may be written by any member of the storytelling staff of each chronicle, but must be submitted by either the HST or Council Member, to ensure its validity. These reports shall be due on the first day of February and August.
The report may be written by any member of the storytelling staff of each chronicle, but must be submitted by either the HST or Council Member, to ensure its validity. These reports shall be due on the first day of February and August.
New Version:
The report may be written by any member of the storytelling staff of each chronicle, but must be submitted by either the HST or Council Member, to ensure its validity. These reports shall be due on the first day of June and December.
The report may be written by any member of the storytelling staff of each chronicle, but must be submitted by either the HST or Council Member, to ensure its validity. These reports shall be due on the first day of June and December.
In addition, due to some technical difficulties and adapting to the new schedule, the February 2013 reports will have their deadline extended until June 1.
As this is being proposed by the Exec team as a General Consensus Vote, it does not require a second and will auto pass on May 8th should there be no formal objections. Otherwise it will proceed to vote.
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Ballot Options Autopass