[Proposal] Changes to Administrative Bylaw 7.C.i and 7.C.i.1.a [Autopass]
Open Votes
Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 26-Mar-2013 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 26-Mar-2013 11:58PM EDT
Hello ladies and Gentleman,
As Admissions Coordinator I propose the following changes to Administrative Bylaw 7.C.i and 7.C.i.1.a. The Changes are detailed below.
Reasoning -
7.C.i: Streamlining of the Admissions Process. Most games have been admitted for their probationary period mainly so we can see what they can do. Adding a vote for games who have worked well with Coordinator and local storytelling staff adds a needless extra step. Those worthy of being let in should be, and those who need to be objected to for vote can follow standardized voting procedures.
7.C.i: Streamlining of the Admissions Process. Most games have been admitted for their probationary period mainly so we can see what they can do. Adding a vote for games who have worked well with Coordinator and local storytelling staff adds a needless extra step. Those worthy of being let in should be, and those who need to be objected to for vote can follow standardized voting procedures.
7.C.i.1.a: Most games working through their probationary period take a little longer than the standard 6 month time frame. Elsewhere in the bylaws we state it shouldn't be more than a year - this clarifies the target period, as well as allows us to work at a games comfortable pace without pumping them through the process.
Changes Detailed
Changes Detailed
- Probationary Vote
- The Admissions Coordinator, a Sub-Coordinator, or a duly appointed representative will then submit the Application for a "Probationary Admission" vote to the OWBN Council for the discussion period and Admission Vote.
- Possible results for the initial Admissions Vote are:
- Admission to OWBN for a 6 Month probation
- Denial of admission
- Probationary Vote
- The Admissions Coordinator, a Sub-Coordinator, or a duly appointed representative will then submit the Application for a "Probationary Admission" vote to the OWBN Council for the discussion period and Admission Vote. If there are no objections during the discussion period, the game Auto-Passes into its Probationary Period.
- Possible results for the initial Admissions Vote are:
- Admission to OWBN for a 6-12 Month probation
- Denial of admission
Admissions Guy
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