[Proposal] Salubri Packet Update

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Genre Packet
Opened: 11-Jul-2012 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 18-Jul-2012 11:58PM EDT

Pursuant to Coordinator Bylaw

3. Coordinator Duties

C. Genre Coordinators

iii, Genre Coordinators must pass before Council any plot, enforced policy, R&U named characters, or binding edict they wish to use which they can reasonably expect to affect multiple chronicles and these proposals need not be seconded, but go immediately into discussion.

1. If no opposition is voiced during the week of discussion, the proposal is considered passed and enforceable. Once passed these are considered binding to all chronicles and a chronicles refusal to adhere is grounds for OWBN disciplinary measures. Opposition must be in regards to the content of the proposal and must give those reasons why the objection is voiced. This is to allow Coordinator's the opportunity to respond and/or make changes/remove the proposal and its contents.

I also propose the following updates for ease of R&U identification.

Add to R&U 5.XVI (after Demon) Salubri: Salubri and Salubri Bloodlines

Add to Coordinator Approval:

Salubri Blooding Ritual (See Inheritors of Fury: A Guide to OWbN Salubri & Antitribu)

Born Again Warrior Merit (See Inheritors of Fury: A Guide to OWbN Salubri & Antitribu)

Original Salubri Warrior Bloodline (See Inheritors of Fury: A Guide to OWbN Salubri & Antitribu)

Modern Salubri Warrior Bloodline (See Inheritors of Fury: A Guide to OWbN Salubri & Antitribu)

Blooded by the Code Merit ( See Inheritors of Fury: A Guide to OWbN Salubri & Antitribu)

Non Warrior Salubri to Warrior Salubri  (See: Inheritors of Fury: A Guide to OWbN Salubri & Antitribu)

6.IX Salubri Special

 6.IV.1 Salubri Antitribu Hierarchy Positions ( See  Inheritors of Fury: A Guide to OWbN Salubri & Antitribu)

6.IV.2 Salubri Antitribu Ritae (See: Inheritors of Fury: A Guide to OWbN Salubri & Antitribu)

6.IV.3 Blooding Rituals (See: Inheritors of Fury: A Guide to OWbN Salubri & Antitribu)

6.IV.4 Salubri Combination Disciplines and Obeah (See: Inheritors of Fury: A Guide to OWbN Salubri & Antitribu)


I propose this updated packet for my genre.  It is composed primarily of the information in the former packet that passed last year, but several key changes needed to be made concerning who has authority over what given the new possition of Salubri coord.  There are a few content changes as well as some cleaning up and clairfication of confusing sections.  I think it will make everyone happy, especially my Salubri players and their STs.


The full packet with revisions can be found here (until the end of the vote): https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B3PmfjXY0kUZR3VYbzhJSHlSZ2s

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