Status Granting Positions in NPC Domain

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 06-Oct-2011 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 13-Oct-2011 11:58PM EDT

As per Administrative Bylaw 3.A.i, Secundus Surrectum proposes the following change to the Character Bylaws, section 10:

Character Bylaws:

  1. Status Regulation
    1. Characters are limited to possessing only six permanent Camarilla status traits from other characters and NPCs, plus the highest status bonus from offices held.
    2. Council must vote upon each and any award of personal Camarilla status traits beyond the six personal Camarilla status traits limit. Positional status is not considered "personal Camarilla status".
    3. All Non Player Characters (NPCs) are limited to possessing only seven permanent Camarilla status traits, plus the highest status bonus from offices held.
    4. The Camarilla Coordinator must approve every personal Camarilla status trait above the seven personal Camarilla status limit for Non-Player Characters (NPCs). Positional status is not considered "personal Camarilla status."

Be changed to include the following addition:

  1. Status Regulation
    1. Characters are limited to possessing only six permanent Camarilla status traits from other characters and NPCs, plus the highest status bonus from offices held.
    2. Council must vote upon each and any award of personal Camarilla status traits beyond the six personal Camarilla status traits limit. Positional status is not considered "personal Camarilla status".
    3. All Non Player Characters (NPCs) are limited to possessing only seven permanent Camarilla status traits, plus the highest status bonus from offices held.
    4. The Camarilla Coordinator must approve every personal Camarilla status trait above the seven personal Camarilla status limit for Non-Player Characters (NPCs). Positional status is not considered "personal Camarilla status."
    5. Player Characters may only hold Domain related positions which grant additional status in areas that are controlled by Chronicles, not Coordinator controlled areas.  The exception to this is the position of Archon.
      1. Domain related positions: Prince, Seneschal, Sheriff, Keeper of Elysium, Scourge, Primogen and Harpy.

Thank you,
Bryan Himebaugh
CM Secundus Surrectum
Phoenix, Arizona


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