Move Coordinator Elections from Fall to Spring

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 06-Dec-2010 1:00AM EST
Closing: 06-Dec-2010 1:00AM EST

As I promised, proposal included below:

I hereby propose that we move Coordinator Elections from the Fall, specifically the November real-life election time, to the Spring when there is less drama and less busy holiday times.

Current Bylaw:

. Coordinator Elections


4.A. Head Coordinator Elections

i. The Head Coordinator shall be elected every October and shall serve until the end of elections the following year.

ii. Nominations for the position shall open on October 10th and close at the same time on October 17th.

iii. Voting will last until October 31st. In the case of a tie, voting will be held November 1st through 7th with the former Head Coordinator serving during the interim. No other proposals may be passed or introduced during this runoff.

Proposed Bylaw:

. Coordinator Elections


4.A. Head Coordinator Elections

i. The Head Coordinator shall be elected every February and shall serve until the end of elections the following year.

ii. Nominations for the position shall open on February 6th and close at the same time on February 13th.

iii. Voting will last until February 27. In the case of a tie, voting will be held March 1st through 7th with the former Head Coordinator serving during the interim. No other proposals may be passed or introduced during this runoff.


Current Bylaw:


4.B.v. The Ballot will be presented to Council seven (7) days before the voting period begins for discussion, but no later than December First (1st) without a ratified proposal granting the Head Coordinator an extension.

Proposed Bylaw:

+ 4.B.v. The Ballot will be presented to Council seven (7) days before the voting period begins for discussion, but no later than March 27th without a ratified proposal granting the Head Coordinator an extension.

In order to facilitate this change to our schedule, this would mean that the current set of Elected Coordinators, including the Head Coordinator, would remain in office until the Spring 2012 elections.

Thank you,

Jenn "New Voice of the Working Man" Bahrs
Council Member, Kings of New York

Seconded by Echo Guertin, Gainesville.short url linkSupreme

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