Consequences for Tremere NPCs

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 12-Mar-2011 1:00AM EST
Closing: 12-Mar-2011 1:00AM EST

Being Thaumzor McAwesomepants, Coordinator for Clan Tremere, I propose the following to be added to the Tremere Bylaws.

The reason:

NPC Regents ordering Gargoyles to protect Bloodhunted members of the Tremere from the Camarilla.
NPC Regents attacking people ordered off limits by ranking members of the Tremere, including Meerlinda, herself.
NPC Regents ordering Apprentices to attack and kill people on Elysium.
Many many more....

Seriously, people. It's something new every month. Sometimes the problem comes from the STs not knowing what they're doing is wrong. Sometimes its because they don't care. Sometimes its because of the cliche "The Regent has gone insane!" plot. While the reasons aren't always fixable, there needs to be consequences for these NPCs. Consequences which have not come at an expedient manner and cause the clan, mostly the players, problems in the meantime.

Tremere Clan Bylaws:
3. Clan Structure
v. Consequences for NPC Tremere
1. Storytellers with NPC Tremere are held to accountable for their actions the same way that Tremere PCs are. Any Storyteller NPC for clan Tremere may be Tribunaled for their actions against house and clan with punishments up to and including death or removal from play.

Joe Long
Tremere Coordinatoraffiliate link traceNike

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