2006 Election for Tremere Coordinator
Open Votes
Applicant Name: Peter BohlmanApplicant Email: dhampir984@gmail.com
Applicant Home Chronicle: DarkHaven
Support From:
Support from:
Winona Dark Haven
Capital Rage
Secundus Surrectum
Sabbat Coordinator
Obsidian Towers
Head Coordinator
Finance Coordinator
Admissions Coordinator
Amador County
Carpe Noctum
Tremere Coordinator, 2005-Present
Tremere Subcoord for Northern Midwest since Dec. 2002
Tremere Subcoord for Canadian games since Oct. 2003
Assamite Subcoord under Cheri Foster
Tremere player for over 3 years straight
Decades of tabletop RP experience.
Personal Statement:
After one year of being Tremere Coordinator and I see more to do to help the
Organization with the Tremere. Recently the Tremere Thaumaturgy was passed, but
after listening to Council, there are more changes that can be made. The
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