Streamlining the Admissions Process

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 28-Dec-2000 1:00AM EST
Closing: 28-Dec-2000 1:00AM EST

I would like to propose a change in procedure to help streamlinethe
process of admission for a chronicle into OWBN.

After a Chronicle application is received, reviewed and voted
upon, they
enter the probationary period as already denoted in procedures.

At the end of this 6 months, barring any complaints from
chronicles or major problems fitting into the WOD theme as
constructed by
OWBN the new chronicle be automatically granted full
membership. If problems do arise, a motion can be forwarded to the
Admissions Coordinator to Bar the Chronicle from Full Membership.
If the
motion to bar is passed, they must re-admit themselves after
working with
the Admissions/Orientation Coord's to smooth out the difficulties.

The tally of complaints and the time spent as a probationary member
would be
tracked by the Admissions Coord.
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