Proposed Change to Web Server Service
Open Votes
Proposal: Server Change
One World by Night is currently pay $90/month in server fees, according to the bylaws. While that was a very reasonable price in 1997, in 2007, we can get much more for much less.
Currently, OWBN uses approximately (per Ross):
1.2 Gb of space in mysql dbases
1.8 Gb in mailing lists
16 Gb in websites
<1 Gb in mail storage
Rounding up, that is approximately 23Gb of space/bandwidth we use per month.
For $9.95/month ($119/year) we could receive:
* 100 Gb of space
* 1000 Gb of bandwidth
* Unlimited email accounts like we have now
* Unlimited mailing lists like we have now
* Unlimited subdomains like we have now
* Full access to php and mysql capabilities
* "Fantastico" which is an automated script installer that would allow chronicles/coordinators to add forums or other interactive aspects to their site with a push of a button
* Unlimited ftp accounts like we have now
* Unlimited mysql databases like we have now
* postGRE database support
* phpMyAdmin
* .htaccess like we have now
* Shopping cart/SSL access (without certificate)
* SSH access
In this option, it would be very similar to how it is set up now, with the chronicles and ftp access. While they can add the more interactive aspects much more easily than now, they still would rely on someone to add those features for them.
Our second option would be to get a "reseller account", which is $25/month or $280/year (substantial savings by paying yearly) which would allow us to give each chronicle/coordinator their own account with a control panel (cPanel 10/11) and access to their own portion of the server with more freedom.
With this option, we would get:
* 25 free domain names
* 200Gb in space
* 2000Gb in transfer
* Personal DNS servers
* Free webpage builder (template guided)
* Everything else listed above (and a few other bells and whistles)
I believe that the first option would be more than sufficient for our purposes, but the second option does allow for more power/freedom and less reliance on a host/webmaster to achieve what they want.
While the transition to the new setup would be cumbersome, the idea would be to have the web team fully build the site on the new domain until we were ready to switch. A small investment of a secondary domain name might be useful in that matter. The web team would take on the responsibility of coordinating the new accounts on the new site, as well as setting up new email addresses, transferring currently hosted websites, and assisting with any technical questions that come up.
The savings between the current price and the prospective price can be used to payroll professional designers who are willing to build us custom additions to our new website to mirror current services. While we have several coders and people capable of editing code, this particular need would be best served by paying a professional to get it done quickly and exactly as we want.
In the first year of switching webhosts, we would save approximately $960. We believe we currently have sufficient reserves to accommodate both the dual service and support the re-code of the "Council" pages section to PHP. Once we receive an official quote on the cost for coding, we will know how much reserve will be required. Once the new site is fully operational the Executive team would work with Council to come up with the best solution for our future financial needs.
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