R&U Procedures

Status message

Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 01-Mar-2001 1:00AM EST
Closing: 08-Mar-2001 1:00AM EST

1). That the individual proposals on what is and is not rare and unique
will be voted on separately, but be condensed into one bylaw, organized for
efficiency by genre, when the voting is complete. This list, regardless of
genre, will apply to all of OWBN.

2). That the R&U Coordinator, elected for the purposes of keeping track of
what R&U characters are in OWBN, collect new proposed R&U characters and
post them for votes.

3). In the event of a tie on R&U character votes, the R&U Coordinator will
have the ability and authority to break that tie.


I'm proposing this in the face of the 30+ proposals that will need to be
posted within the next couple of days. I have thought about it...and
individually WILL be the best way to handle this.

However, a couple points need to be clarified. So I'm making this
connecting proposal...and realize, this is exactly how the Admissions
Coordinator position works.

Also, it has been noted with some concern, that the grouping by genre will
cause some people to think that in another genre, these will not be R&U.
That is not the case. This list will apply to OWBN across the board.
However, for example, if your genre is vampire, you would not have pookas
or other fae running about. Please bear all of this in mind regarding this
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