Revision of Bylaws, Admissions Section 6a
Status message
Displaying output for plurality votingOpen Votes
Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 28-Apr-2003 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 06-May-2003 1:00AM EDT
I propose that the following be added to the Administrative Bylaws, Section 7 for all future chronicles:
6a. If a chronicle's admission as a full member of OWbN must go to vote, the application must be updated as necessary and the option for extending probation for an additional 6 months will be considered. After one year of probation a Chronicle must either receive full admission or denied membership. If denied full membership, chronicles may re-apply for membership after 12 months of the close of their vote.
latest Running SneakersAir Max
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Ballot Options Against
1 out of 158 eligible voters cast their ballot
100% (68 votes)
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
Chronicle/Position | Voted for | Comment |
Saint Paul, MN - USA, Obsidian Towers | For | |
Iowa City, IA - USA, Fields of Rage | For | |
Berkeley, CA - USA, Wasting the Dawn | For | |
Tampa, FL - USA, Tampa Bay by Night | For | |
Duluth, MN - USA, Thicker than Blood | For | |
Fredericksburg, VA - USA, Caine's Chosen: Liberty in Death | For | |
Winona, MN - USA, Winona Dark Haven | For | |
Norwalk, CT - USA, Rails of Revolution | For | |
San Francisco, CA - USA, Always Comes Evening | For | |
Providence, RI - USA, Hidden Flame | For | |
Atlanta, GA - USA, Whispers of Atlanta | For | |
Fargo, ND - USA, Within Shadow's Reach | For | |
Cleveland, OH - USA, Carpe Noctum | For | |
Columbus, OH - USA, Columbus in Darkness | For | |
Springfield, IL - USA, Capitol City Cauldron | For | |
Washington, DC - USA, Shadows on the Mall | For | |
Phoenix, AZ - USA, Secundus Surrectum | For | |
Kenosha, WI - USA, Memento Mori | For | |
Green Bay, WI - USA, Shattered Dreams | For | |
Gimli, MB - Canada, Sang Nordique | For | |
Iowa City, IA - USA, L'Ange Noir | For | |
Northern Virginia, VA - USA, Night Falls | For | |
Annapolis, MD - USA, Vitae Aeternus | For | Althought I still would have liked it if the application could be submitted before 12 months but not voted until 12 months are up. as it stands now chronicals could be facing over a year before the new votes can come up. |
Edwardsville, IL - USA, Caught in Eternal Twilight | For | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | Huummm, everybody needs a little time probation... 6 month is enough... |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | Huummm, everybody needs a little time probation... 6 month is enough... |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | Good prop...and it stays crunchy in milk! |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | Good prop...and it stays crunchy in milk! |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | This is good, I was thinking of proposing this myself when I saw the proposal. :-) |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | This is good, I was thinking of proposing this myself when I saw the proposal. :-) |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For |