Repeal of the Homegrown Rituals Proposal

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 02-Apr-2003 1:00AM EST
Closing: 14-Apr-2003 1:00AM EDT

I would like to propose the repeal of the Home GrownRitual Vote.

Bill Helm

This vote would remove the following from the responsibilities of the R&U Coordinator:

The R&U coordinator has the right to assign a category to any character type that is not well captured by these guidelines. Disputes between the R&U coordinator's interpretation and the submitting Storyteller(s) may be appealed to the Head Coordinator and/or Council. Additionally, by using the methods set forth for genre-related proposals, the R&U Coordinator may re-assign any element of a guideline into a different category.

any system of this nature, flexibility and fluidity are a necessary component. The population types of One World by Night are likely to ebb and flow over the years, and the guidelines must be flexible to reflect the growth and change of the organization and its goals and needs.

Reworded Proposal:
Any ritual that does not exist within a printed White Wolf sourcebook shall require notification to Council before it is available for use by any PC or NPC and shall cataloged by the R&U Coord.
All rituals must include a full text description, including cost, game mechanics, creator and effects. Assignments of in-game availability shall be made by the appropriate Genre Coordinator and noted within the catalog by the R&U Coord.
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