NPC Camarilla Status Above 6 to Coordinator Approval
Open Votes
v) Administrative Bylaw Changes
(1) Administrative Coordinators may pass before Council any changes to the administrative bylaws, as long as said changes directly effect their position. These proposals need not be seconded, but go immediately into discussion.
(a) If no opposition is voiced during the week of discussion, the bylaw is considered passed and enforceable. Once passed these bylaws are considered binding to all chronicles (as with any other bylaw) and a chronicles refusal to adhere to said bylaw is grounds for OWBN disciplinary measures.
This Proposal has the Camarilla Coordinator's Support.
In order to facilitate more leniency to NPC held status I propose the following bylaw to be changed from:
10) Status Regulation
A) Characters are limited to possessing only six permanent Camarilla status traits from other characters and NPCs, plus the highest status bonus from offices held.
B) Council must vote upon each and any award of personal Camarilla status traits beyond the six personal Camarilla status traits limit. Positional status is not considered "personal Camarilla status".
10) Status Regulation
A) Player Characters (PCs) are limited to possessing only six permanent Camarilla status traits from other characters and Non-Player Characters (NPCs), plus the highest status bonus from offices held.
B) Council must vote upon each and any award of personal Camarilla status traits beyond the six personal Camarilla status traits limit for Player Characters (PCs). Positional status is not considered "personal Camarilla status".
C) All Non Player Characters (NPCs) are limited to possessing only seven permanent Camarilla status traits, plus the highest status bonus from offices held.
D) The Camarilla Coordinator must approve every personal Camarilla status trait above the seven personal Camarilla status limit for Non-Player Characters (NPCs). Positional status is not considered "personal Camarilla status."
The Camarilla Coord has stated that all current Coordinator NPCs possessing more than 7 personal status is pre-approved. All other NPCs will fall under the default Grandfather clause of 30 days to register with the Camarilla Coordinator.
Dawn Sherman
Archivist Coordinator