2007 Election for Nosferatu Coordinator
Open Votes
Applicant Name: J.J. CommissoApplicant Email: futuredirections@ameritech.net
Applicant Home Chronicle: CarpeNoctum
Support From:
I joined One World By Night in June,1999, the first game after Carpe Noctum
hosted their big event in Oberlin, Ohio that year and have been playing ever
since. I have run three different Vampire tabletop games, each lasting about
three years, and have run a very successful Mage tabletop game for over two
years that turned into a LARP for a while. I have also enjoyed Jyhad (now
called Vampire: the Eternal Struggle), a collectable card game.
OWBN Experience:
Storyteller, Carpe Noctum, Cleveland from 2000-2001
Event Assistant, Cleveland Grand Elysium, 2004
Combat Narrator, Carpe Noctum, Cleveland from 2002-2005
HST, Glass Labyrinth, Local Mage Chronicle from 2003-2004
Player since 06/1999
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