2002 Election for Malkavian Coordinator

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Coordinator Elections (Full Term)
Opened: 24-Nov-2002 1:00AM EST
Closing: 02-Dec-2002 1:00AM EST

Applicant Name: Duncan WyleyApplicant Email: dunx@owbn.org
Applicant Home Chronicle: Danse
Support From:


Support also from: Boston: The Midnight Ride

Many of you know me and are sick of me already, so I'll summarise most of this
for those who are new. Admittedly I've been quieter these last coupla years
than I was a while back, but I'm hoping that's just a sign of maturity.

Gaming Experience:

About 22 years of various RPGs.
About 15 years of LARP
About 10 years of MET (predominantly Vampire)
About 7 years of OWBN MET
About 3 years of freelance MET writing for White Wolf
Isn't that enough? Can I grow up now? No? Damn.

Responsibility Experience:

Staff Team leadership in various jobs, including small business management.
RealLife(tm) can teach you things. Try it!
OWBN Coordinator, Council Member and Storyteller for as long as I can remember.
I was Head Coordinator of OWBN for a while too, but forget most of it due to
traumatic shock.

Personal Statement:

This Year's Goals:

For all of the Malkavian players to have fun.

Seriously, that's all I've worked for in this position for years, and I think
that most of them out there would agree that I've helped them along that path.

Some people have noticed that I have pulled waaaay back on the portrayal of the
numerous NPCs that I used to throw about the place. This has predominantly been
due to two main issues: 1) the Coordinator bylaws now tell me that I have to
clear anything like that through the Storytellers; and 2) it sometimes takes a
lot of energy to whip through so many emails and come up with some form of
entertaining, informative and (sometimes) witty commentary, let alone from so
many different personae. If people want me back doing that sort of thing,
notably on the "clan" lists or the Cam lists, then I'll see what I can do.

Additionally, I'm occasionally asked why I don't implement any megaplots for
the Malkavians. The simple answer is that I normally don't need to! The
Malkavian players often dive in of their own accord into other people's plots
(often due to events on the MMN list) - the Legion plot is a great example, and
it still continues.

Another point that crops up is that I don't have a "genre document" available
for new Malkavian players. Lamentably, I don't have time to write The Compleat
Malkavian Guide. However, I have shared many of my thoughts on playing
characters on the owbn-malk-ooc list, and several games are testing away at my
suggested rules for using the MMN during game.

I'm working with my US Sub-Coord, Jenn (who will remain in this position,
should you select me for this role) to develop a few other "voices" on the
lists. Such will be duly reported to Council, as required. I'd like to further
encourage STs to take responsibility for their own Malkavian NPCs, so that I'm
not deluged with requests for NPC portrayal.

I'll be working with Jean-Christian, my Brazil Sub-Coord (and BBN's Malkavian
Coordinator) to continue and enrich international interactions in that quarter.
Plot is brewing in that region as we speak.

I'll be working with the R&U Coordinator to register all the WW-published
Malkavian characters I can find in the various TT books, so that I can keep a
track of what might be happening where with whom and how. Yadda yadda. For some
reason, Netchurch is becoming popular at present...

I'll endeavour to do a better job reporting on my activities as a Coordinator,
although most of the issues that I'm dealing with a justicarial in nature, and
remain predominantly restricted to local (chronicle) level cases and rarely
spread further than the local rumor mill. To my knowledge, anyway.

I'll be making commentary as I see fit into the organisation and administration
of OWBN, because I can :o)

I'll be shifting to Australia at some stage in the next year, which may see a
short period of downtime as I adjust (and find a cheap ISP whereever I end up),
although I anticipate few issues arising from a brief absence other than the
gazillions of email that will be waiting for me each time I hit a cybercafe. I
will be looking to either recruit a current game into OWBN, or starting a new
game for that purpose.

Love to you all, and Game On!



Applicant Name: Christopher D. Headley
Applicant Email: mewtwo523@yahoo.com
Applicant Home Chronicle: Cincinnati
Support From:


Been playing a Malkavian in WoD for 11 years. Various different games and
various different house rules. Playing a Malkavian for OWbN for almost two
years now. Have been a storyteller in many closed games over the past few
years. As far as Administrative experience goes, I am currently a Manager for
the Auto Parts industry for over two years. I have an innate ability to learn
quickly and am open to ideas.

Personal Statement:

While I do not expect to achieve the Coordinator position. The position would
be a great challenge for me. I love to help people with thier role-playing
experience(s). If I do not achieve the position I would love to be retained as
a sub-coord. It would prepare me for the challenges that await as a
Coordinator. I hope to help ObwN in any way I can. I'm like that.

Christopher D. Headley


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