OWbN specific Caitiff bloodlines Runoff

Status message

Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 27-Mar-2001 1:00AM EST
Closing: 27-Mar-2001 1:00AM EST

This category is up for line item vote for inclusion or exclusion from our comprehensive R&U list. Since many people have a different view of what is R&U, and what the question What is R&U? means, we will leave it verysimple. Please include ALL comments below.

Category: OWBN-specific Caitiff Bloodlines
Meaning: It has come to my attention that several caitiff throughout OWBN have been given the special status of "unique bloodline." In these cases, the caitiff in question "breed true" and their disciplines carry over automatically to any others that they embrace, and when blood-tested, the blood reads as a "bloodline, unfamiliar in origin." This status is independant of any unique/custom disciplines.
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