Open Votes
This category is up for line item vote for inclusion or exclusion from our comprehensive R&U list. Since many people have a different view of what is R&U, and what the question What is R&U? means, we will leave it verysimple. Please include ALL comments below.
Category: Siberakh
Meaning: An obscure bloodline formed from the breeding of Silver Fangs and Wendigo in Siberia. They keep to themselves and no one but the Wendigo and Fangs know they exist. The Wendigo are content to leave them alone and the
Fangs consider them ronin.
Coord's Recommendation: R&U, approval required for PCs and NPCs.
Please remember, if any category is considered R&U in any way, shape or form, the character, PC or NPC, regardless of Council s involvement, must be registered with the R&U Coord.
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