Unusual Caitiff Runoff Vote
Status message
Displaying output for plurality votingOpen Votes
Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 10-Mar-2001 1:00AM EST
Closing: 09-Mar-2001 1:00AM EST
This category is up for line item vote for inclusion or exclusion from our comprehensive R&U list. Since many people have a different view of what is R&U, and what the question What is R&U? means, we will leave it very simple. Please include ALL comments below.
Category: Unusual Caitiff
Meaning: Clan specific disciplines, or newly-created disciplines
RUNOFF - Please note the abbreviated choices
Please remember, if any category is considered R&U in any way, shape or form, the character, PC or NPC, regardless of Council s involvement, must be registered with the R&U Coord.
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File / Document: No file attachments for this vote.
Ballot Options R&U:
1 out of 158 eligible voters cast their ballot
90% (56 votes)
10% (6 votes)
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
Chronicle/Position | Voted for | Comment |
Berkeley, CA - USA, Wasting the Dawn | R&U: | |
Milwaukee, WI - USA, Nocturnal Rapture | R&U: | |
Tampa, FL - USA, Tampa Bay by Night | R&U: | |
Norwalk, CT - USA, Rails of Revolution | R&U: | |
San Francisco, CA - USA, Always Comes Evening | R&U: | |
Cleveland, OH - USA, Carpe Noctum | R&U: | |
Cincinnati, OH - USA, Shadows of Cincinnati | R&U: | Shop at Menard's, or find them at Target...fine french shopping...on sale two for one. |
Springfield, IL - USA, Capitol City Cauldron | R&U: | |
Washington, DC - USA, Shadows on the Mall | R&U: | |
Kenosha, WI - USA, Memento Mori | Not | This is too broad a title for us to say it's R&U. |
Gimli, MB - Canada, Sang Nordique | R&U: | |
Iowa City, IA - USA, L'Ange Noir | R&U: | |
Northern Virginia, VA - USA, Night Falls | R&U: | |
Annapolis, MD - USA, Vitae Aeternus | R&U: | |
Edwardsville, IL - USA, Caught in Eternal Twilight | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Not | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Not | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Not | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Not | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | Since nearly everyone in OWbN wants their character to be the politically correct namby pamby good guy and ''give Caitiff a chance,'' there is virtually NO reason NOT to play one. ''Hey, I can customize my character's Disciplines with no drawbacks? Sign me up!!!'' Let's keep a lid on this type of opportunity by limiting the rare Disciplines they can start with. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | Since nearly everyone in OWbN wants their character to be the politically correct namby pamby good guy and ''give Caitiff a chance,'' there is virtually NO reason NOT to play one. ''Hey, I can customize my character's Disciplines with no drawbacks? Sign me up!!!'' Let's keep a lid on this type of opportunity by limiting the rare Disciplines they can start with. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | You know, I'm voting to vote on things I never want to even see or know about... |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | You know, I'm voting to vote on things I never want to even see or know about... |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | R&U: |