Open Votes
This category is up for line item vote for inclusion or exclusion from our comprehensive R&U list. Since many people have a different view of what is R&U, and what the question What is R&U? means, we will leave it verysimple. Please include ALL comments below.
KUEI-JIN (also called Cathayans or Kindred of the East) - those ghosts of the orient who have excaped Yomi and returned to animate their body within 49 days of dying. Kuei-Jin have access to their own unique "disciplines", gain and lose various forms of Chi, and have access to
their own unique rituals. reason - limited by viable elements in light of The Great Leap Outward)
Akuma (those kuei-jin who have forsaken their dharma for "infernal power".) restructions: equivalent power ratings: see kuei-jin retsrictions (reason: the same)
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