[Administrative Proposal] R&U Bylaw Addition: Infernalism Groupings

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 23-Feb-2009 1:00AM EST
Closing: 23-Feb-2009 1:00AM EST

NOTE: The infernal packet was attached to the initial proposal email. Please go reference it.====================================================================

Per the recommendations of the Infernalism Subcoordinator, we would like to add the items in the Council-Approved Infernalism packet that are regulated by R&U regulations into the R&U Bylaws.

I hereby propose the following be added to the R&U Bylaws:

The following two items will be added to the R&U list of Unusual:
"Rebirth" from Hell of a PC*
Demonic Interaction (see notes for specifics)*
NPC Characters Seeking Infernalism*
NPC Characters with Dark Thaumaturgy or other Infernal Investments*
Use of the Infernalist Power "Forsaken"*

The following items will be added to the R&U list of Coordinator Approval:
PC Characters Seeking Infernalism*
PC Characters with Dark Thaumaturgy or other Infernal Investments*
PCs with Infernal Ranking*

And the following will be added to Section 4:

"4.K. Infernalism Groupings

i. Demonic Interaction
1. This includes specifically: Demonic powers and Ranking of any Demons Summoned, the Summoning itself and the creation of a Demon."

ii. Characters Seeking Infernalism
1. Mortals Seeking Infernalism
a. PC Mortals seeking Infernalism through any means are to be approved by the appropriate Coordinator (based upon the genre of their Home Chronicle, in the case of a Vampire game, the Sabbat Coordinator) before such permission is given; this includes Summoning/Binding a Demon or gaining any sort of Infernal power.
b. NPC Mortal Infernalists require Council Notification.
2. Vampires Seeking Infernalism
a. PC Vampires seeking Infernalism through any means are to be approved by the Sabbat Coordinator (or Tremere Coordinator, if Tremere) before such permission is given; this includes Summoning/Binding a Demon or gaining any sort of Infernal power.
b. NPC Vampire Infernalists require Council Notification.
3. Mages Seeking Infernalism
a. PC Awakened Mages seeking Infernalism through any means are to be approved by the Mage Coordinator before any such permission is given; this includes Summoning/Binding a Demon or gaining any sort of Infernal power.
b. NPC Awakened Mage Infernalists require Council Notification.
4. Fae Seeking Infernalism
a. PC Changelings seeking Infernalism through any means are to be approved by the Changeling Coordinator before such permission is given; this includes Summoning/Binding a Demon or gaining any sort of Infernal power.
b. NPC Changeling Infernalists require Council Notification.
5. Changing Breeds Seeking Infernalism
a. PC Changing Breeds seeking Infernalism through any means are to be approved by the Changing Breed Coordinator before such permission is given; this includes Summoning/Binding a Demon or gaining any sort of Infernal power.
b. NPC Changing Breed Infernalists require Council Notification.
6. Kuei-jin Seeking Infernalism
a. PC Kuei-jin seeking Infernalism through any means are to be approved by the Kuei-jin Coordinator before such permission is given; this includes Summoning/Binding a Demon or gaining any sort of Infernal power.
b. NPC Kuei-jin Infernalists require Council Notification.

iii. Dark Thaumaturgy or other Infernal Investments
1. Infernal Investments
a. PCs gaining Infernal Investments, regardless of their type or power, are to be approved by the appropriate Coordinator before they are granted. The Coordinators reserve the right to deny any/all Investments a character wishes to take should they prove too powerful, inappropriate or in violation of this packet.
b. NPCs gaining Infernal Investments require Council Notification and are expected to keep Investments within the parameters and constraints of this Packet.

iv. PCs with Infernal Ranking
1. A PC Infernalist's rising and falling of power within Hell is governed by her Storyteller(s), in association with the approval of the appropriate Coordinator.

v. Use of the Infernalist Power "Forsaken"
1. "Forsaken" is the advanced power of dark thaumaturgy "Path of the Unspoken."
1. All uses of "Forsaken," regardless of their target, require Council Notification. Use of "Forsaken" as Notified may be Proposed to go to Council Vote should the target be controversial.

Thank you.

Jenn Louise
OWbN Head Coordinator

"Of course I have (gone mad with power), have you ever tried going mad without power? Its boring, no one listens to you."


--- On Tue, 1/20/09, Jason Jahr wrote:

> From: Jason Jahr
> Subject: Re: So, ma'am. What would you like me to do?
> To: "nauraki@yahoo.com"
> Cc: "owbn-exec@owbn.org"
> Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 7:00 PM
> Here's excerpts of everything
> in the Packet that requires an approval. The bold sections hold the
> information as to what requires approval. The non-bold (where it's
> seen) is the power detailing why it needs to be approval :P
> If you need anything from me or any help in any way, just ask. I'd be
> more than happy to help... as I brought it up... So I feel I should.
> *PC Mortals seeking Infernalism through any means are to be approved
> by the appropriate Coordinator (based upon the genre of their Home
> Chronicle, in the case of a Vampire game, the Sabbat Coordinator)
> before such permission is given; this includes Summoning/Binding a
> Demon or gaining any sort of Infernal power. NPC Mortal Infernalists
> require Council
> Notification.*
> *PC Kindred seeking Infernalism through any means are to be approved
> by the Sabbat Coordinator (or Tremere Coordinator, if Tremere) before
> such permission is given; this includes Summoning/Binding a Demon or
> gaining any sort of Infernal power. NPC Kindred Infernalists require
> Council
> Notification.*
> *PC Awakened Mages seeking Infernalism through any means are to be
> approved by the Mage Coordinator before any such permission is given;
> this includes Summoning/Binding a Demon or gaining any sort of
> Infernal power. NPC Awakened Mage Infernalists require Council
> Notification.*
> *PC Changelings seeking Infernalism through any means are to be
> approved by the Changeling Coordinator before such permission is
> given; this includes Summoning/Binding a Demon or gaining any sort of
> Infernal power. NPC Changeling Infernalists require Council
> Notification.*
> *PC Changing Breeds seeking Infernalism through any means are to be
> approved by the Changing Breed Coordinator before such permission is
> given; this includes Summoning/Binding a Demon or gaining any sort of
> Infernal power. NPC Changing Breed Infernalists require Council
> Notification.*
> *PC Kuei-jin seeking Infernalism through any means are to be approved
> by the Kuei-jin Coordinator before such permission is given; this
> includes Summoning/Binding a Demon or gaining any sort of Infernal
> power. NPC Kuei-jin Infernalists require Council Notification.*
> *PCs gaining Infernal Investments, regardless of their type or power,
> are to be approved by the appropriate Coordinator before they are
> granted. The Coordinators reserve the right to deny any/all
> Investments a character wishes to take should they prove too powerful,
> inappropriate or in violation of this packet. NPCs gaining Infernal
> Investments require Council Notification and are expected to keep
> Investments within the parameters and constraints of this Packet.*
> *
> *
> *Infernal Ranking*
> (For the original printing of this power, see *Storyteller's Handbook
> to the Sabbat*, page 62)
> MET Alterations: By gaining this power "url clone今年はいつもと違うかも?2020年おすすめのクリスマスの過ごし方5選

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