14th and 15th Gen Inceptors Unusual R&U

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 20-Jan-2006 1:00AM EST
Closing: 21-Jan-2006 1:00AM EST

I propose to place 14th and 15th generation Caitiff/Pander Inceptors under the Unusual category of R&U.
14th and 15th generation Caitiff/Pander Inceptors shall be defined as Caitiff/Panders that possess a unusual/uniquely created discipline in clan. The unusual/unique discipline created shall be defined as an "Inceptor discipline". This discipline shall be considered one of thier 3 "in clan" disciplines, however it will be considered "out of clan" for teaching purposes. 14th and 15th generation Caitiff/Pander may only learn and possess one "Inceptor Discipline".

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