Election of a new Garou Coordinator

Status message

Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Coordinator Elections (Full Term)
Opened: 18-Sep-2001 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 18-Sep-2001 1:00AM EDT

Contact Information
Jason Robinson


I have been involved in OWBN for about 3 and a half years, most of this time as a Storyteller.. I have spent a majority of my time as a Vampire Storyteller, but I have also spent a considerable time as a Werewolf Storyteller. Over the last year I have operated as an Assistant to Chris Barrs and Heather Anderson assisting them with their Coordinator duties in both an administrate and genre capacity. The most solid experience I bring to the table is in an accomplishment this year, where Chicago Garou and Vampire agreed to have both games operate in the same universe that has been reflected in combine of their influence system and some cross over plots. With my skills and experiences in OWBN I feel that I am qualified to serve as Garou coordinator for One World by Night


It is my belief that there should be expectations of a Coordinator after they are elected. As the Garou Coordinator I will maintain a group of people to act in the roles of Tribal Narrators, whose responsibility will be to represent NPCaffiliate tracking urladidas pitchers glove replacement parts

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