[Administrative Proposal] Removal of Coordinator Bylaws 3.C.ii.1.a

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 19-Jan-2009 1:00AM EST
Closing: 12-Jan-2009 1:00AM EST

This does not require a Second, but if you do not agree you may put Objection in the subject line to force this Proposal to go to a vote.====================================================================

Current Bylaw reads:
"ii. To this end, Genre Coordinators have the following powers:
1. They may create and portray, or delegate the portrayal of, NPCs as appropriate to their position.
a. Delegated NPCs, however briefly portrayed, must be included in reports to Council outlined in the Administrative Bylaws, Section 8.D.iv."

This specific passage would be removed:

"a. Delegated NPCs, however briefly portrayed, must be included in reports to Council outlined in the Administrative Bylaws, Section 8.D.iv."

for two reasons:
1. Section 8.D.iv does not tell them to report to Council. They report to the Executive Team.
2. This is redundant and duplicates the reporting bylaw in the Administrative Bylaws.

Jenn Louise
OWbN Head Coordinator

"Of course I have (gone mad with power), have you ever tried going mad without power? Its boring, no one listens to you."
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