Change of Bylaw in election of Coordinators

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 11-Jan-2001 1:00AM EST
Closing: 11-Jan-2001 1:00AM EST

That Article 1, section 2 "Coordinators", 2, which currently reads,
"2. All other Coordinators will be appointed by the Head Coordinator and
must be approved by a majority vote of the Council. "

shall be amended to read:

"2. All other Coordinators will be nominated by the Head Coordinator, who
shall nominate no fewer than two applicants for each Coordinator position.
The Head Coordinator may indicate which of the two nominees is preferred.
These nominees shall be voted on by Council, with the nominee carying the
majority becoming Coord, unless the majority chooses to reject all of the
Head Coordinator's nominees."
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