Mandatory Charters-new Article
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Displaying output for plurality votingOpen Votes
Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 30-Jan-2001 1:00AM EST
Closing: 08-Feb-2001 1:00AM EST
Article 11All games wishing to be members of OWBN must have a charter including, but
not limited to, rights of players, acension to and from storyteller
positions, and disciplinary procedures. All charters must be availiable at
each game
session and on the member chronicle's web site. The Head Coordinator has
the right to call for a review of any chronicle charter that is
innordinately unfair to
players and may make suggestions on how to improve it.
In the sense of fairness, if this addition to the Articles of OWBN is
adopted, all chronicles should be given a period not to exceed 1 month to
write and publish a charter.
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Ballot Options For
1 out of 157 eligible voters cast their ballot
54% (44 votes)
24% (20 votes)
22% (18 votes)
Chronicle/Position | Voted for | Comment |
New York City, NY - USA, Kings of New York | For | All players deserve to have a specific set of rules that their chronicleis run by, and to be duly informed of those rules. This allows a chronicle to be run with greater ease as the players will be less likely to dispute certain things, and also prevents charges of bias or favoritism against ST's as they can simply say ''as you can see, this is the procedure outlined in the charter.'' Also, as a part of an organization such as OWBN which promotes travel between chronicles, a game should have these rules set and available so that visiting players know what they are getting into. Though we support the idea of chronicle sovereignty, we feel that in an organization such as OWBN some rules must be created and applied to all members. |
Berkeley, CA - USA, Wasting the Dawn | Against | |
Milwaukee, WI - USA, Nocturnal Rapture | Against | |
Tampa, FL - USA, Tampa Bay by Night | Against | I think that the blanket charter of OWBN is good enough. |
Chicago, IL - USA, Dark Requiem | For | We have discussed this proposal and agree that is a good idea. Even ifthis doesn't pass we will be writing a chronical charter. |
Norwalk, CT - USA, Rails of Revolution | For | Whether Passed or not we are writing up a charter. |
San Francisco, CA - USA, Always Comes Evening | Abstain | |
Fargo, ND - USA, Within Shadow's Reach | Against | I believe the others that are voting against this have said enough withoutme adding in redundancies. |
Cleveland, OH - USA, Carpe Noctum | Abstain | I find it hard to vote either way in good faith. A charter is somethingthat I think is necessary for all games to ensure that players feel appropriately empowered. However I understand that not everyone wants to introduce such a level of formality into their games. |
Cincinnati, OH - USA, Shadows of Cincinnati | For | No matter what rules the chronicle happens to be using, it can never hurtto have them in writing so that players new to the game, and those who travel, have a better idea of what they are getting into. |
Columbus, OH - USA, Columbus in Darkness | Abstain | Just because a charter might be right for one game, it may not be right forothers. I cannot vote for or against something that I feel would hurt a chronical. I feel that those chapters feel it necessary have one, and those that don't, won't. |
Springfield, IL - USA, Capitol City Cauldron | Against | |
Washington, DC - USA, Shadows on the Mall | For | I think the big sticking point here is the REQUIREMENT to have a Charter,as opposed to having ST's and the like do it voluntarily. I know that my ST team is dreadfully overworked, so this won't get done in a month. Sorry, Mike, that's simple fact. I'm sure many other games are in a similar pickle. All that said, if God is willing to forgive a delay in making a good solid list of ST and player rules, you should be too. ;) We vote ''Yes''. |
Kenosha, WI - USA, Memento Mori | For | To deny our players a charter is next to a crime. The games voting againstthis seem to think otherwise. Pherhaps it is because thier players don't care, or maybe, as is Tuscola's case, they misunderstand the tenants of Article One. All in all, WE OWE IT TO OUR PLAYERS to give them some kind of agreement in writing. |
Gimli, MB - Canada, Sang Nordique | Against | Another piece of red tape... |
Iowa City, IA - USA, L'Ange Noir | Against | Although L'Ange Noir does not object to having a Manditory Charter. We alsofeel that it is inapporpoite to have this added in as an Article to the Charter. THis is something that should be left to the By-Laws. |
Northern Virginia, VA - USA, Night Falls | Abstain | |
Annapolis, MD - USA, Vitae Aeternus | Abstain | Vitae's opinion is mixed. On the one hand, it is agreed that players shouldbe informed of their rights (if any) and the procedures by which they might exercise them. On the other hand, this proposal was put forward too quickly and had no real productive discussion (from which it could have benefitted greatly). |
Edwardsville, IL - USA, Caught in Eternal Twilight | Against | |
Head Coord | For | IC politics should be shadowy, highly changeable, and oligarchic. OOCpolitics should stand in the light of day, have a stable structure, and allow some player input. |
AHC 1 | Abstain | I believe 1). that if this were a bylaw instead of an Article, it wouldhave more support from the Council, and 2). that we sorely need to fix the OWBN charter and bylaws so as to make a good example for individual chronicles following our lead before we add more to them. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | This is unnecessary; Let's minimize the bureacracy where it's not needed. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | This is unnecessary; Let's minimize the bureacracy where it's not needed. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | This is introducing unnecessary bureaucracy and regulationinto OWBN. Some chronicles do not have the luxury of being run on such politically correct terms, or of having players eager to take an active part in contributing to the regular running of the gatherings. Some chronicles are run on a fairly informal basis with no desire to ''get legal''. CHRONICLE SOVEREIGNTY FOREVER! |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | This is introducing unnecessary bureaucracy and regulationinto OWBN. Some chronicles do not have the luxury of being run on such politically correct terms, or of having players eager to take an active part in contributing to the regular running of the gatherings. Some chronicles are run on a fairly informal basis with no desire to ''get legal''. CHRONICLE SOVEREIGNTY FOREVER! |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | While our game will most definitely be developing a charter in the nearfuture, I believe that requiring them lends a level of bureacracy that many games may not want. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | While our game will most definitely be developing a charter in the nearfuture, I believe that requiring them lends a level of bureacracy that many games may not want. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | We think it is a goos suggestion, but it should notbecome obrigatory. Every Chronicle should be encoraged to make its own Charter, though, and OWBN could make some kind of template to guide them. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | We think it is a goos suggestion, but it should notbecome obrigatory. Every Chronicle should be encoraged to make its own Charter, though, and OWBN could make some kind of template to guide them. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | We think it is a goos suggestion, but it should not become obrigatory.Every Chronicle should be encoraged to make its own Charter, though, and OWBN could make some kind of template to guide them. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | We think it is a goos suggestion, but it should not become obrigatory.Every Chronicle should be encoraged to make its own Charter, though, and OWBN could make some kind of template to guide them. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | We support Article 1. We feel we are able to supervise ourselves withoutadditional manditory submissions to be approved by anyone other than ourselves. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | We support Article 1. We feel we are able to supervise ourselves withoutadditional manditory submissions to be approved by anyone other than ourselves. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | It is more trouble then it is worth. If a chronicle wants or feels theneed to have a charter then by all means go ahead and have one. But forcing Chronicles to have a charter is just one more piece of Red Tape that a new game will have to get used to. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | It is more trouble then it is worth. If a chronicle wants or feels theneed to have a charter then by all means go ahead and have one. But forcing Chronicles to have a charter is just one more piece of Red Tape that a new game will have to get used to. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Abstain | I agree with the idea but do not believe it should be an article.So if this gets brought up agian under a different wording I will likely support it. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Abstain | I agree with the idea but do not believe it should be an article.So if this gets brought up agian under a different wording I will likely support it. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | Chronicle Sovereignty. Let the chronicle choose whether or not to do this. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | Chronicle Sovereignty. Let the chronicle choose whether or not to do this. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | EotR notified the players of this vote and put it on the agenda of ourplayer meeting. No players attended the meeting, nor registered any opinion on this issue therefore I can only assume that they do not feel a charter is required. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | EotR notified the players of this vote and put it on the agenda of ourplayer meeting. No players attended the meeting, nor registered any opinion on this issue therefore I can only assume that they do not feel a charter is required. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | Players deserve a right to know policy and procedure too, denying that istrouble. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | Players deserve a right to know policy and procedure too, denying that istrouble. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | No more bureaucracy. Please. Charters are all good, but if we make themmandatory, then the next thing will be a proposal for ''Charters must include...'' and before we know it we're stuck and smothering. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | No more bureaucracy. Please. Charters are all good, but if we make themmandatory, then the next thing will be a proposal for ''Charters must include...'' and before we know it we're stuck and smothering. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Abstain | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Abstain | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Abstain | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Abstain | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | A charter is a good thing. We believe it will make difficult decisionseasier to handle. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | A charter is a good thing. We believe it will make difficult decisionseasier to handle. |