Amendment to Assamite Entry to Camarilla

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 10-Feb-2001 1:00AM EST
Closing: 21-Feb-2001 1:00AM EST

Author: Becky Lehmann
It is hereby proposed that the following by-law text:

"The Inner Council, in cooperation with duly authorized and recognized
representatives of Clan Assamite, does hereby amend the Treaty of Tyre to
grant full membership in the Camarilla and all the rights and privileges
thereof to those members of Clan Assamite desiring it. The Treaty's
provisions stand unchanged for those Assamites who do not choose to accept
Camarilla membership."

be amended to read:

"The Inner Council, in cooperation with duly authorized and recognized
representatives of Clan Assamite, does hereby amend the Treaty of Tyre and
Convention of Thorns (hereinafter referred to as "Treaties") to grant full
membership in the Camarilla and all the rights and privileges thereof to
those members of Clan Assamite requesting it. The Treaties' provisions
stand unchanged for those Assamites who do not choose to accept Camarilla
membership. All other provisions of the Treaties remain unchanged."

Changes made:
- the addition of the Concention of Thorns
- "desiring" changed to "requesting"
- clarification that no other treaty provisions (eg. those dealing with
anarchs) are affected by the change

This revised text more fully represents the Council's intent, which was to
do whatever was necessary to grant admission to Clan Assamite.

Furthermore, it is understood that "full membership" shall not be
immediate, but a goal to be worked towards, in character, by PCs and their
storytellers, for which Council has granted permission. In the interim,
"probationary membership" shall be the rule.

"Full membership", shall be granted in OWBN at such a time as is
appropriate to the story, such as, but not limited to, White Wolf
announcing the appointment of an Assamite Justicar or when events in OWBN
naturally lead to a lack of justification for keeping Clan Assamite on
latest RunningNEW BALANCE

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