2005 Election for AHC Coordinator
Open Votes
Applicant Name: Ian R JamesApplicant Email: IanRJames@gmail.com
Applicant Home Chronicle: NightFalls
Support From:
Personal Statement:
I am applying for the position of OWBN Assistant Head Coordinator. I
held one of the AHC positions for two years, and in addition to that I have
been an active member of OWBN since 1995, serving in the role of Story Teller,
Council Member, Player, and Sub Coordinator.
I would once again like to serve on the administration side of One World
as one of the AHCs. I enjoyed the two years that I served in the position.
With the release of the new version of World of Darkness, I would like to help
OWBN with the variety of decisions that are going to be made once the various
rule sets have been published. There are a few ways that our group could deal
with this change. All of which will require deep discussion and hopefully,
pleasant resolution. I am very interested in seeing how this group resolves
those hard choices and would like to be a part of the decision making process
instead of a witness to it. I am not taking a stance for or against the new
rules set. I am a fan of the WOD AND OWBN.
I will close by saying that I have been role-playing now for close to 30
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