[Proposal] Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom Legacies Proposal

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 02-Mar-2009 1:00AM EST
Closing: 23-Feb-2009 1:00AM EST

NOTE: This as a regular proposal. I am asking for a Second to this Proposal in the first week of discussion, after which it would go to vote by council.======================================================================
Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom Legacies Proposal

Bloodlines from the Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom book, known as Legacies or collectively as Liabon, are poorly regulated in OWBN. Very few Legacies travel from Africa and those that do so are very rare. These Legacies are highly unlikely to be present in OWBN games or trust another Kindred to teach any abilities, lores or disciplines. There are significant differences between OWbN genre and that of the Ebony Kingdoms making it unacceptable to request education in lore and disciplines except under the rarest of circumstances. These lores and disciplines are inappropriate to accepted genre and game play. This proposition was written prior to the recently passed Rare and Unusual Bylaws. It has been revised however if there are any discrepancies I failed to convert accurately, please notify me with corrections so that I may address them in a timely manner. Tables are not email friendly thus the tables are written in sentence format. It is expected any changes will simply be added to the tables in the bylaws if this proposition passes. Three areas of the R&U bylaws would require changes as detailed below. ======================================================================
Therefore I propose:
Rare and Unusual Bylaw 4.K be created stating:

K. Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom Legacies/Laibon

i) Laibon, Akunanse, Guruhi, Ishtarri, Kinyonyi, Naglopers, Osebo, Shango, Xi Dundu, Mla Watu and Nkulu Zao.

And That 3.B.i be changed:


i) Very Rare: Abominations, Free Gargoyles, Old Clan Tzimisce, Assamite Faction Converts*, Harbingers of Skulls, Rare Changing Breeds*, Ba'ali, Kiasyd, Ravnos rakta-sadhus*, Bane Mummies, KJ Dhampyrs, Siberakh, Blood Brothers, Malpheans, Sphere 6+ Mages, Dharma 6+ Kuei-Jin, Nagaraja, True Brujah, Ducheski family Revenants, Near-Extinct and Extinct*, Ferrymen, Non-standard Mummies*


i) Very Rare: Abominations, Free Gargoyles, Old Clan Tzimisce, Assamite Faction Converts*, Harbingers of Skulls, Rare Changing Breeds*, Ba'ali, Kiasyd, Ravnos rakta-sadhus*, Bane Mummies, KJ Dhampyrs, Siberakh, Blood Brothers, Malpheans, Sphere 6+ Mages, Dharma 6+ Kuei-Jin, Nagaraja, True Brujah, Ducheski family Revenants, Near-Extinct and Extinct*, Ferrymen, Non-standard Mummies*, Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom Legacies, Laibon.

And That 5.A be changed:


i) Assamite: All Assamite-related Rare and Unusual characters

ii) Brujah: True Brujah

iii) Gangrel: Mariner

iv) Giovanni: Samedi, Harbingers of Skulls

v) Lasombra: Lasombra anti-tribu and Kiasyd

vi) Setite: Bane Mummies, Mummies, Children of Damballah, Daitayana, Tlacique

vii) Toreador: Daughters of Cacophony

viii) Tremere: Salubri and Gargoyles

ix) Tzimisce: Koldunic Sorcery

x) Camarilla: Unusual Caitiff

xi) Sabbat: Blood Brothers, Baali, Unusual Pander, and Salubri anti-tribu

xii) Changing Breeds: All Changing Breeds and Garou related R&U, Abominations


i) Assamite: All Assamite-related Rare and Unusual characters, Shango

ii) Brujah: True Brujah, Osebo

iii) Gangrel: Mariner, Akunanse, Laibon

iv) Giovanni: Samedi, Harbingers of Skulls, Mla Watu

v) Lasombra: Lasombra anti-tribu and Kiasyd, Xi Dundu

vi) Setite: Bane Mummies, Mummies, Children of Damballah, Daitayana, Tlacique, Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom Followers of Set

vii) Toreador: Daughters of Cacophony, Ishtarri

viii) Tremere: Salubri and Gargoyles, Nkulu Zao

ix) Tzimisce: Koldunic Sorcery, Naglopers

x) Camarilla: Unusual Caitiff

xi) Sabbat: Blood Brothers, Baali, Unusual Pander, and Salubri anti-tribu

xii) Changing Breeds: All Changing Breeds and Garou related R&U, Abominations

xiii) Nosferatu: Guruhi,

xiv) Ravnos: Kinyonyi


Any character that is a Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom Legacy/Liabon currently in existence are not Grandfathered, and must be propped to council. Existing and former characters used in any game must be notified to the appropriate Genre Coordinator with details of the character including but not limited to: PC or NPC, length of existence, whether the character taught any disciplines or otherwise served as a mentor, and to whom the recipient was.

This is an exception to paragraph 9 Grandfathering, to provide council visibility on characters and disciplines derived from Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom material.


"Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom", 2003

"Rare and Unusual Bylaws of One World by Night", February 9, 2009


Special thanks to Jacob for the original wording and content of this prop. Welcome back to council, you fool!
I'm happy to answer any additional questions about the differences between these documents.

CM La Crosse; the River's Edge
"If you call yourself wise, not only are you a fool, you are a fool and a liar, if you call yourself a fool, there is a chance you might be wrong."

Edit 2/23/09: I corrected some of the typos. Jenn, HC.
Nike Sneakersnike headquarters Sneakers

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