[SECOND] [BYLAW REVISION] Amendment to Administrative Bylaw 3.A.i.4 Props durring December
Open Votes
Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 16-Jan-2025 12:00AM EST
Closing: 23-Jan-2025 12:00AM EST
I, Samantha Swanson, as the Council Member for Chicago Dark Requiem propose that we remove DA's from the list of permitted proposals during the Dec 1-Jan 3 prop moratorium.
Bylaws Before
Proposals and Voting Procedures
Only voting members may submit proposals to the Council (unless otherwise noted in subsequent bylaws).
Include in the subject line of the email "[PROPOSAL]" and a short description of the proposal.
The email must include the name of the person making the proposal and the chronicle they represent. The message body must contain the detailed proposal and how it should be integrated into existing bylaws, if passed.
No proposals shall be submitted from December 1st to January 3rd. The only exceptions being DA's, General Consensus, and Exceptions per the bylaws.
Bylaws After
Proposals and Voting Procedures
Only voting members may submit proposals to the Council (unless otherwise noted in subsequent bylaws).
Include in the subject line of the email "[PROPOSAL]" and a short description of the proposal.
The email must include the name of the person making the proposal and the chronicle they represent. The message body must contain the detailed proposal and how it should be integrated into existing bylaws, if passed.
No proposals shall be submitted from December 1st to January 3rd. The only exceptions being DA's, General Consensus, and Exceptions per the bylaws.
All Addition or Adjustment/Edits to bylaws should have the change in RED in the After Section
Exec already has the power to remove someone from the org with no vote if they are a threat to the organization and the players within, there is no reason we should be putting anyone, council, accusor, accused, or exec through a DA during the holidays. Multiple CMs I have spoken to were unaware the DA was up because council is quiet from thanksgiving to the New Year. They didn’t check when they were spending time with family or working those extra shifts, during the holiday. We dont need to be DAing someone over the holiday season.
Not Needed
Samantha Swanson
Chicago Dark Requiem CM
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