I, Will Lee, with the support of the interim Ventrue coord (and only applicant running) propose the changes to the character bylaws. This is a change to be adopted into the upcoming Ravnos packet! This has the potential to auto-pass (which ideally will let us do things at Blood and Ice). This is attached to the ending of the Danava plot, so please do not share it with the public (if it passes in time it'll get showcased at Blood and Ice. If not, online in some form of fashion)
10.m.v.53 Danava Ally PC - Coordinator Approval NPC Coordinator Approval coordinator: Ventrue and Ravnos
10.m.v.53 Danava Ally PC - Coordinator Approval NPC Coordinator Approval coordinator: Ventrue and Ravnos
-10.m.v.53.a Danave Ally Two Point version
-10.m.v.53.b Danava Ally Four Point Version
-10.m.v.53.c Danava ally Six point version
10.m.vii.ix.17 Non-Daiyta with or Rakta Radhu Ravnos with Sadhana (Ravnos). PC Coordinator Approval - NPC Coordinator approval - Coordinator Ravnos
10.m.vii.ix.17 Non-Daiyta, Danava, Rakta Radhu Ravnos, or Buryat with Sadhana (Ravnos). PC Coordinator Approval - NPC Coordinator approval - Coordinator Ravnos
-10.m.vii.ix.17.a Ventrue with the Danava Ally Six point version who have not returned to declare their loyalty to the Ventrue/Ventrue Anti and Jade Court maintaining their ability to use Sadhana PC Coordinator Approval - NPC Coordinator approval - Coordinator Ravnos and Ventrue
Mechanic: (Again to be added to the packet as the Danava plot becomes a norm over a change)
At 6 you are connected to a Danava, and member of the Jade Court (swearing loyalty to the ventrue /anti to keep it Camarilla/Sabbat oriented). As long as they remain one point blood bound to the Danava NPC, they can learn/use sadhana without being on the right path (but will limit to paths/codes that are against sadhana). The Jade Court simply provides the faith required to fuel this distant form of use, and the sect NPC ensures that the member remains loyal to their interests.
Haven’t gotten a ton of traction, especially with the Camarilla, and hoping to open up options.
Reasoning: Trying to update the Danava and the ability to play with both the Camarilla and Sabbat. The Jati are a sect that keeps getting left out of Camarilla events when they bargain with other areas, and this will push Ventrue into supporting them more.
Sabbat wise this is to expand resources available to them and allow the coord to help push the genre and NPCs. With less of a defined structure, the Anti will likely function as a cult or subfaction. I leave that part up to team Sabbat.
Both areas help keep the PCs loyal, the Ventrue Coord push Ventrue genre, and the Ravnos coord to maintain Sadhana within acceptable areas. Similar to Assamites and DAK via pebble, this gives more options for the Ventrue coord to reward players who are active within their genre (maybe even becoming a cult). More Danava have been approved in the various sects, so the idea of this happening has been growing.
Sadhana is a faith based magic, and keeping it tied to the Jade Court helps enforce the religious aspect of it. It is why the merit has the * that anyone who is a part of a religion, or on a path, that is outright against Sadhana will not be given the merit. I have active magic sub-coords, namely Adam Sartori, who knows which religions/concepts are simply too far apart for the Danava to simply be offended by being asked. Adding an actual bylaw that forces the PC to return once a year also ensures people dont change things around after they are given it. There will be RP aspects to the Danava helping them, so they simply won't get blood and go on about their business. Using influence, and other resources to spread the religion is one (of many) ways they will be taxed to maintain these gifts. In the packet, the plan is to make a section with different paths for people via this merit. There will never be full access to the paradigm since they are borrowing the divine connection via the Danava.
Why not just make them convert? Why not keep everything strict? Because being a coord for 12 years has shown me a lot. One being, a lot of people bending religions, making up religions, or trying to make religions that don't fit, fit. This isn't giving them an excuse, it's making a mechanic that allows an actual reason to do this beyond cheapening the religions that will have easier access to it. Now, PC's who do convert wont need the merit, and will have easier process and learning options. Giving several areas and coords the ability to build plots and reward PCs is something that can foster a lot of RP.
Why a bylaw to stop it from working? Similar to the old dark thaum bylaws, if you want to break IC deals, there are consequences. Many games will put up ST shields to prevent these consequences, but this allows protection to the Coords office to help maintain genre. Stay loyal, or explain how you work around it. One example is actually converting to the packet based religions, so the need for the Danava supporting you via the merit (which IC will be a ritual) are no longer needed.
What if my game doesn't think this should work? Don't allow it. If you as a chronicle think you should be strict on how this does, or doesn't function in your game, then enforce it!
Why are there Sadhana bylaws in this? Danava are joint approval now, so no reason to keep Sadhana separate anymore. Buryat is something I just forgot about, so I need to do it all at once for ease.
Original prop (that is already passed)
Hey all!
I, Will 1, as Ravnos Coord, with the support of Will 2, as Ventrue coord, propose the following addition to the character bylaws (see below). This has the potential to Auto-Pass.
If you object, I would appreciate some feedback, so we can do something constructive with it.
As the Danava plot moves to America finally (got a slow start), the Ventrue/Anti are going to have options to befriend some Danava. Instead of piling tons of mentors out there, this seems like a better option to give some love to Ventrue/Anti, who don’t fit the mold for anything India centric. I’ll line item it into the packet in a couple weeks, and Will 2 can add it as his leisure.
In an attempt to help storytellers mitigate the power of their games, every part of the below merit gives a lot of flexibility for STs to decide what they wish in their game (besides the almighty no).
For more details! Read said Danava plot (which I won’t put here, since tech this can be shared, and don’t want to ruin the plot!). I don’t mind if it’s shared, maybe people will inquire more about the plot?
This plot was designed for Ventrue and Ventrue Anti, so we have zero intention of approving anyone who’s not one of those two.
Legacy is a thing, but as this was made up this week, I don’t see anyone having it. If someone does somehow magically? The NPC is still approval.
10.m.v.53 Danava Ally PC - Coordinator Approval NPC Coordinator Approval coordinator: Ventrue and Ravnos
Write up
Danava Ally (2 or 4 point merit)(Ventrue and Ravnos Coordinator Approval)
You have made a Danava ally in your local area. Where they are not abundant in the West, the few that have ventured over have entered into an alliance of sorts with the Ventrue (or Ventrue Antitribu). This alliance comes with various benefits. These Danava are rarely part of any sect outside the Jati, and still act on their own in regards to sect.
For two points this ally will loan you any influence you may need for limited use (At storyteller discretion). This could be anything as simple as a small allies use, or influence outside your region to extend actions to the greater India area.
For four points you have forged a deeper relationship. You may call upon the Danava for magical assistance, to include loaned powers via Blood Nectar (At storyteller discretion).
Lastly, where the NPC is the character’s ally, the relationship is not one way. Said ally may call upon the character for favors in return, or demand them in advance for larger requests.
*Due to Danava NPCs being Coordinator approval, the ultimate power of your ally will be decided by the Ventrue’s (or Ventrue Antitribu) Staff, and the Ventrue/Ravnos Coordinator at the time when the Merit, and NPC are created. If the staff wishes the NPC to be coordinator controlled, that arrangement will be worked out at the time the merit is approved.