[AUTOPASS] [BYLAW REVISION] Extending Application Times for Special Elections
Open Votes
I, Chase Jelliffe, as Assistant Head Coordinator, hereby propose the following changes to Administrative Bylaw 4.C:
4.C Before:
Special Elections
Should any Coordinator position become unfilled during a term, a special election must be held.
The Head Coordinator may appoint someone to fill the position until the special election is completed.
The appointee will be treated as an Elected Coordinator, except that the appointee will only serve until the Special Election is complete.
The Head Coordinator will announce the Special Election on the Council, ST, and OWBN-OOC mailing lists and will accept applications for seven (7) days.
The vote will then proceed following the bylaws in Administrative Bylaws 4.B
Should the position become vacant within one (1) month of the Head Coordinator Election, an appointee may serve until elections are complete.
4.C After:
Special Elections
Should any Coordinator position become unfilled during a term, a special election must be held.
The Head Coordinator may appoint someone to fill the position until the special election is completed.
The appointee will be treated as an Elected Coordinator, except that the appointee will only serve until the Special Election is complete.
The Head Coordinator will announce the Special Election on Council and the Storyteller mailing lists and will accept applications for a minimum of seven (7) days to a maximum of 28 days.
The vote will then proceed following the bylaws in Administrative Bylaws 4.B
Should the position become vacant within one (1) month of the Head Coordinator Election, an appointee may serve until elections are complete.
Reasoning: For regular elections, the rule for the time for applications just says a minimum of 7 days, giving the Head Coordinator freedom to make that time longer if necessary. For Special Elections, that time is only 7 days without any wiggle room. This proposal will allow the Head Coordinator more freedom in planning times for application openings, in case that time period would happen to be around Holidays or major events.