[AUTOPASS] [BYLAW REVISION] Banning Convicted Sex Offenders
Open Votes
I, Gabriela Fernandez, as Head Coordinator, hereby propose the following addition to the Administrative Bylaws:
Add Administrative Bylaw 13
Player Eligibility Requirements
Exceptions to player eligibility requirements must pass a Majority Council Vote. These proposals require a second and may not pass via General Consensus.
Registered Sex Offenders
No person who has ever been convicted of a felony-level sexual offense in any jurisdiction of the United States may participate in any One World by Night function at any time. The same is true for equivalent offenses in other countries.
No Person who is currently listed on a sexual offender registry for any jurisdiction within the United States based upon conviction of a crime may participate in any One World by Night function at any time. The same is true for equivalent public registries in other countries.
Exceptions to the above bylaws that do not require a vote include:
Registered sex offender or convicted sex offender when the offense is solely due to their adult sexual preference or gender orientation.
If the crime falls under the definition of Romeo and Juliet Law.
Reasoning: This is a clear step in bettering the organization and safeguarding our community. We have people who play who could potentially lose their jobs if they were found to be interacting with RSO’s. We believe that our standard stance should be not allowing RSO’s in the organization. For those who are on the RSO list, but are a reasonable exception to the standard we are putting forth, we are making it a Majority vote to allow them in rather than ⅔.
Other organizations such as Alliance and Amtgard have already taken this step. The language of the bylaws above have been taken from Amtgard with permission.
Here is a database for the United States: https://www.nsopw.gov/
While our game supports and agrees with the intent of this prop, the current wording could put many of our LGBTQIA+ players at future risk of having to doxx themselves to play. We are voting no based on player and staff input.