[OBJECTION] [BYLAW REVISION] Custom Content in PVP Bylaw
Open Votes
I, Chase Jelliffe, as Assistant Head Coordinator propose the following addition to the OWBN Character bylaws:
7.f. All Custom content that has not been voted on by OWBN Council via an approved Binding Packet or other form of council vote, may not be used by any player in any player versus player scenarios.
i. This is to be defined as, no Custom Content that hasn’t been voted on by council in a packet or other vote, is Disallowed for PCs in player versus player interactions and includes utilization of or benefit from their personal non Council approved Custom Content by any and all means in any scenario or challenge against another player character.
ii. This bylaw only applies to Vampire the Masquerade Player characters. This to say any Vampire/Ghoul/Revenant/Dhampir PCs.
Reasoning: The Custom Content Database continues to grow with new power and abilities with little to no oversight. For many games this has been a growing problem for years. It has created an arms race among the player base of making custom content to counter other custom content players have. Rather than seek to Ban all custom content or enforce further regulation, we find this solution to be the easiest to create a fair and balanced system when player characters interact with one another. The long and short of it is, if your custom content doesn’t appear in an approved council voted in packet, you can’t use it against another player. You want to use it in PVE scenarios? Go nuts. We think this will help course correct and stabilize the growing issues surrounding custom content in OWBN.
I get that no one really wants to address the elephant in the room of OWBN Custom Content and Magic Items. But we think this is a good middle ground that will alleviate a lot of the issues of Custom Content in OWBN.
This Proposal will need a Second.