[SECOND] [BYLAW REVISION] Administrative Coordinator Bylaw Proposal Procedures
Open Votes
I, Chase Jelliffe, as Assistant Head Coordinator, hereby propose the following changes to the Administrative and Coordinator Bylaws:
Administrative Bylaw Changes
Remove 3.C.v:
Administrative Bylaw Changes
Administrative Coordinators may pass before Council any changes to the Administrative bylaws, as long as said changes directly affect their position. These proposals follow the Autopass Vote Procedure.
Coordinator Bylaw Changes
Create Bylaw 3.A.xi:
xi. Administrative Coordinator Proposals
Administrative Coordinators may pass before Council any changes to the Administrative and Coordinator Bylaws, as long as said changes directly affect their position. These proposals follow the Autopass Vote Procedure.
The Executive Team may pass before Council changes to the Code of Conduct, OWbN Charter, Character Bylaws, Administrative Bylaws, and Coordinator Bylaws following the Autopass Vote Procedure.
Changes to the Character Bylaws may only be propped as [AUTOPASS] if the Executive Team member has the support of all Genre Coordinators whose genres are impacted. This support must be listed in the proposal.
Reasoning: It makes more sense to have proposal powers in the Coordinator Bylaws for Administrative Coordinators like Genre Coordinators are instead of the Administrative Bylaws.
Clearly defining that the Executive Team can propose changes to bylaws as Autopass to make future bylaw rework easier.
Chase Jelliffe
Assistant Head Coordinator 1