[AUTOPASS] [LINE ITEM EDIT] Camarilla Society Packet
Open Votes
I, Jen Salty, propose the following changes to the most recent Camarilla Society Packet.
Expert Certification: Agents with this certification have proven themselves knowledgeable in a specific supernatural element and are considered an expert. Agents may only claim one Expert Certification.
○ Requirement: At least 15 points of Lore directly related to the area of non-vampiric expertise. For example, to get your Expert Certification in Mages, you may have the following Lores: Mage 5, Sphere 5, Order of Hermes 3, and Technocracy 2. Note that a Lore at 5 is preferred but not required.
Expert Certification: Agents with this certification have proven themselves knowledgeable in a specific supernatural element and are considered an expert. Agents may only claim one Expert Certification.
○ Requirement: At least 15 points of Lore directly related to the area of non-vampiric expertise. For example, to get your Expert Certification in Mages, you may have the following Lores: Mage 5, Nephandi 4, Order of Hermes 3, and Technocracy 3. Note that a Lore at 5 is preferred but not required.
I have spoken with Michael (Current Camarilla Coordinator) and he has stated that the intent of putting Sphere Lore in this packet was not to create a non-existent lore under the Mage auspice, and that he will not counter a line change to remove the mention of Sphere Lore from the Camarilla Society packet. This will assist with the current Mage Genre problem of people purchasing Sphere Lore on sheet and then arguing that because they have Sphere Lore and the Blessing for "Watch the Weaving," they can know what magic does despite having never actually utilized magic before and the spell requiring experience with spheres to comprehend patterns.
This edit does have the support of the Camarilla Coordinator
Jen Salty
Mage Coord