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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 05-Dec-2024 12:00AM EST
Closing: 12-Dec-2024 12:00AM EST



I, Jen Salty, as Mage Genre Coordinator, hereby propose the addition of Character Bylaw 10.j.vi.:


10. Controlled Items


vi. Hedge Mage Paths

1. Alchemy Path at a level greater than 4 - PC: Unregulated - NPC: Coordinator Approval: Mage

2. Enchantment Path at a level greater than 4 - PC: Unregulated - NPC: Coordinator Approval: Mage

3. Herbalism Path at a level greater than 4 - PC: Unregulated - NPC: Coordinator Approval: Mage



For a lot of reasons, that can basically be summarized as 1) Hedge Magic Items still aren't free for Sorcerers to produce and 2) Hedge Magic items still contain resonance and are therefore traceable back to the Sorcerer thus endangering them, Sorcerers are actually fairly unlikely to work as a magic item economy, by genre. Especially in the higher end magic items we are seeing a glut of in the non-mage/sorcerer areas. By genre, those would tend to remain among the 'safe' populations. That is, they would not generally travel outside of Splat. Unfortunately, we are seeing a lot of these items produced out of splat and being sold/traded by magic item/potion producing NPCs en masse.


Yes, there are many splats that have Sorcerers that they befriend and keep as Acolytes or companions. This is generally within a Service economy. They will scry for you, divine for you, summon a spirit for you, turn into a cat and go spy for you... but are not factory workers and are not particularly likely to turn out 10 Eyes of Hazimel a week. This bylaw is intended to encourage the service economy. It will not affect PC Sorcerers at all; their purchases of all Paths remains unrestricted. For NPCs, STs will need to email the Mage Coordinator and ensure that their reasoning for the NPC with the higher level item creation path is reasonable.


I would like to be completely clear with this. At level 4 Alchemy or Herbalism, an NPC Sorcerer can create a potion/poultice/etc that can increase one attribute by 2, or 2 attributes by 1, may exceed 5-dot maximum, or allow minor items with potent effects. At level 4 Enchantment, an NPC Sorcerer can create Talismans, etc, that can defy reality as long as they work under certain restrictions. i.e., they can increase attributes or mimic low-level powers. These are the by-book definition of minor magic items. Team Mage feels that it is reasonable to limit the items one can acquire from a non-approved NPC to the same sort of thing one can acquire from an Occult 5 expenditure. Especially since you should have more control over quality, utility, and be able to get additional services like customization from an NPC who is your ally. This should allow for a reasonable item economy and a hopefully growth of an NPC service economy.


Jen Salty

Mage Coord

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